Ahmet Yaşar Ocak

Tarih Profesörü, Araştırmacı Yazar, Akademisyen, Tarihçi

12 Nisan, 1946
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of History

Historian (b. 12 September 1947, Yozgat). He attended Yozgat Gazi Paşa Primary School (1956) and graduated from Yozgat İmam-Hatip School (1963), İstanbul Higher Islam Institute (1967) and İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of History (1971). He did his master at Hacettepe University in 1974. His master thesis was "Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Zâviyeler" (Lodges in the Ottoman Empire, XIV-XVII Centuries.) He did his doctorate in Strasbourg University in 1978 with thesis "XIII. Yüzyılda Anadolu'da Dinî-Sosyal Bir Hareket: Baba Resul İsyanı" (A Socio-religious movement in the 13th Century: The revolt of Baba Resul).  He became assistant professor with his study, Bektaşi Menakıbnâmelerinde İslâm Öncesi İnanç Motifleri" (Pre-Islamic Faith Motives in the Books of Epics of Bektashi Order) at Hacettepe University in 1983. He became a professor in 1988. For a while he worked as a teacher at Ankara İmam Hatip High School (1971-72). He continued his work as a lecturer in Hacettepe University, Faculty of Literature, Department of History. He is a member of the Atatürk Culture, Language and History Supreme Commission, the Turkish Historical Society and the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey.

His article Millî Mücadele'de Çapanoğlu İsyanı“ (The Çapanoğlı Revolt in the National Struggle) appeared in the review Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları (Col. VII-X, 1973). His other articles on Turcology and history have been published in many academic reviews both in Turkey and abroad. He won the 1996 Writers Union of Turkey Research Award and the 1997 Hacettepe University Science Award with Türk Sufiliğine Bakışlar (Glance at Turkish Sufism). He also won the 1998 Writers Union of Turkey Research Award with his study Osmanlı Toplumunda Zındıklar ve Mülhidler (Atheists and Heretics in Ottoman Society).  


Babaîler İsyanı (The Revolt of Babai*, 1980), Veysel Karani ve Üveysilik* (Veysel Karani and Üveysi*, 1982), Bektaşî Menakıbnamelerinde İslâm Öncesi İnanç Motifleri (Pre-Islamic Faith Motives in the Books of Epics of the Bektashi Order 1983; 2nd edition with the name Alevi ve Bektaşi İnançlarının İslâm Öncesi Temelleri (The Pre-Islamic Foundations of Alewi-Bektashi Beliefs), 2000), Elvan Çelebi / Menakıbu'l-Kudsiyye fi Menasibi'l-Ünsiyye (Elvan Çelebi, the Holly Epics and Degree of Friendship, with İsmail E. Erünsal, 1984), Türk Halk İnançlarında ve Edebiyatında Evliya Menkıbeleri (Saint Epics in Turkish Folk Beliefs and Literature,1984; 2nd edition “Books of Epics as The Sources of the History of Culture”: with the name Kültür Tarihi Kaynağı Olarak Menakıbnameler: Bir Metodoloji Denemesi (A New Explanation of Methodology), 1990), İslâmTürk İnançlarında Hızır Yahut Hızır İlyas Kültü (The Cult of Hızır* or Hızır İlyas in Turk-Islam Beliefs, 1985), La Révolte de Baba Resul ou la Formation de l'Hétérodoxie Musulmane en Anatolie ou XIIIe Siécle (The Revolt of Baba Resul in the Formation of the Muslim Heterodoxy in Anatolia in the 13th Century, 1989), Türk Folklorunda Kesik Baş Kültü: Tarih ve Folklor İlişkisinden Bir Kesit (The Cult of Truncated Heads in Turkish Folklore: A Sample of the relation between History and Folklore,1989), Türk Sûfiliğine Bakışlar (Glance at Turkish Sufism,1996), Osmanlı Toplumunda Zındıklar ve Mülhidler Yahut Dairenin Dışına Çıkanlar (Atheists and Heretics in Ottoman Society or Those that Left the Circle, 1998), Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Marjinal Sûfilik: Kalen–deriler (Marginal Sufism in Ottoman Society: the Kalenderi Sect, 1999), Türkler, Türkiye ve İslâm (The Turks, Turkey and Islam, 1999).

REFERENCE: Vitrindekiler (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 16.7.1998), Vitrindekiler (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 9.9.1999), Tufan Gündüz / Osmanlı Toplumunda Zındıklar ve Mülhidler (Virgül, sayı: 23, Ekim 1999), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), 'Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kültür ve Sanat Büyük Ödülleri'nin sahipleri açıklandı (aa.com.tr, 25.11.2019).


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