Peyami Safa


02 Nisan, 1899
15 Haziran, 1961
Diğer İsimler
Çömez, Safiye Peyman, Serâzad, Server Bedî

Writer (b. 1899, İstanbul – d. 15 June 1961). His childhood was spent with his mother and relatives due to his father’s death in Sivas, to where he had been exiled when Peyami was two years old. From the age of nine his education became irregular due to a bone disease, so he educated himself. He had to work when he was thirteen years old. He became a civil servant at the Ministry of the Postal and Telegraph Service (1912). After he had served as a teacher for a while (1914-18), he published the evening newspaper Yirminci Asır with the encouragement of his brother, İlhami Safa (1918). He aroused interest with his stories published under the general name of Asrın Hikâyeleri (Stories of the Century). He took his place among the skillful writers of the period with his works in the genres of story, article, essay and later in his life, especially novels.

  He used Server Bedi as a pen name in the thriller novels he wrote accepting that he had written these only in order to make a living. His most famous novel is Dokuzuncu Hariciye Koğuşu, which has an autobiographical character and relies on psychological analyses rather than events. Later on, he had a famous battle of words with Nazım Hikmet, to whom he dedicated this work as a person defending totally different ideas. Fatih Harbiye (Fatih-Harbiye), Sözde Kızlar (So-called Girls), Bir Tereddüdün Roman (The Novel of a Hesitation), Matmazel Noralya’nın Koltuğu (The Armchair of Matmazel Noralya) and Yalnızız (We’re Alone) are his other famous novels. Peyami Safa, who also published the reviews, Kültür Haftası (1936, 21 volumes) and Türk Düşüncesi, worked in his later years as editorial writer of the newspaper Son Havadis. The Peyami Safa Novel Award which had been given in his memory since 1974, finished in 1978.

According to Berna Moran, there are specific patterns in Peyami Safa’s novels. These patterns, if summarized, originate from three men and a girl based around love. One of the men representing the West, the other the East and the third symbolizes the thoughts of the author. Sexuality is abhorrent when the platonic content of the love is praised. The character representing the East wins the struggle between the characters of the novel.


SHORT STORY: Bir Mekteplinin Hatıratı (Memories of a Student), Karanlıklar Kralı (The King of Darkness, 1913), İstanbul Hikâyeleri (İstanbul Tales, 1919), Gençliğimiz (Our Youth, 1922), Siyah Beyaz Hikâyeler (Black and White Stories, 1923), Aşk Oyunları (Games of Love, 1923), Süngülerin Gölgesinde (In the Shadow of Bayonets, 1924), Ateş Böcekleri (Fireflies, 1925), Hikâyeler (Tales, 1980

NOVEL: Mahşer (The Last Judgment, 1924), Sözde Kızlar (So-called Girls, 1925), Canan (Canan, 1925), Bir Akşamdı (One Night, 1928), Şimşek (Thunder, 1928), Dokuzuncu Hariciye Koğuşu (The Ninth External Diseases Ward, 1930. Later made into a TV program by Salih Diriklik), Atilla (Atilla, 1931), Fatih Harbiye (Fatih Harbiye, 1931), Bir Tereddüdün Romanı (The Novel of a Hesitation, 1933), Matmazel Noralya'nın Koltuğu (The Armchair of Matmazel Noralya, 1949), Yalnızız (We’re Alone, 1951), Biz İnsanlar (We, People, 1959).

ESSAY-RESEARCH: Türk İnkılabına Bakışlar (Views on the Turkish Revolution, 1938), Büyük Avrupa Anketi (The Great European Inquiry, 1938), Felsefî Buhran (The Philosophical Crisis, 1939), Millet ve İnsan (Nation and Man, 1943), Mahutlar (Notorious, 1959), Sosyalizm (Socialism, 1961), Mistisizm (Mysticism, 1961), Nasyonalizm (Nationalism, 1961), Doğu-Batı Sentezi (The East-West Synthesis, 1963), Osmanlıca-Türkçe-Uydurmaca (Ottoman Language-Turkish Language-Fictitious, 1970), Sanat-Edebiyat-Tenkit (Art-Literature-Review, 1970), Din-İnkılap-İrtica (Religion-Revolution-Reaction, 1971), Yazarlar, Sanatçılar, Meşhurlar (Writers-Artists-the Famous, 1976).

New editions of his works were published by Gülten Press. 

REFERENCE: Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı / Peyami Safa (1940), Ergun Göze / Peyami Safa-Nazım Hikmet Kavgası (1969), Vecdi Bürün / Peyami Safa ile 25 Yıl (1978), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004), Ahmet Oktay / Cumhuriyet Dönemi Edebiyatı 1923-1950 (1993), Âdile Ayda / Bir Demet Edebiyat (1998), Beşir Ayvazoğlu / Peyami - Hayatı Sanatı Felsefesi Dramı (1998) - Doğu-Batı Arasında Peyami Safa (2000), Tamer Erdoğan / Türk Romanında Mütareke İstanbulu: Biz İnsanlar (Virgül, Ocak 2002), İhsan Işık / Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).



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