Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay

Siyaset Bilimci

12 Nisan, 1945
Ankara Üniversity Faculty of Political Sciences

Political scientist (b. 12 April 1945, Ankara). He was graduated from the Ankara Üniversity, Faculty of Political Sciences. Starting from 1982, he has worked as an academician Gazi Üniversity, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. He completed his PhD at the same department and promoted to assistant professor and professor. He was known with his speeches in panels, television programs and scientific conferences. He has written in the Türkiye Günlüğü, İslâmi Araştırmalar Reviews.


ESSAY-RESEARCH: Feodalite ve Klasik Dönem Osmanlı Üretim Tarzı (Feudalism and The Ottoman Mode of Production in the Classical Period, 1982), Doğu’nun Devleti Batı’nın Cumhuriyeti (The State of East and the Republic of West, 1992), Şehirler ve Kentler (Cities and Towns, 1993), Cumhuriyet ya da Birey Olmak (Republic or to Be an Individual, 1994), Benim Polemiklerim (My Discussions, 1995), Bu Dünyayı Yaşamak (Living in This World, 1995), Felsefesiz Sanat Oyunsuz Tarih (Art without Philosophy, History Without Games, collection, 1996), Uyruktan Vatandaşa Geçimden İktisada (From Nation to Citizen, 1996), Biz Zaten Avrupalıyız (Anyway We are European, 1997) Siyasetsiz Siyaset (Politics Without Politics, 1998), Dinin Fiziği Demokrasinin Kimyası (The Chemistry of Democracy and the Physics of Religion, 1999), İki Şehrin Hikâyesi: Ankara İstanbul Çatışması (The Stories of İstanbul: The Clash between Ankara-İstanbul, 2003), Efsaneler ve Gerçekler (Legends and The Facts edit with: Ahmet Yaşar Ocak, İlber Ortaylı, İsenbike Togan, Sencer Divitçioğlu, S. Faroghi, T. Timur, 2000), Ahşabın Öyküsü (The Story of  Wooden, 2000), Soytarı Gülmez Sırıtır (The Clown does not Laugh but Smile, 2004).

In addition to these he had lots of translations.



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