(b. 1963, Geede / Bolu). Gained her BA degree in Economics from Bosphorus
University and did post graduate studies in Sociology. She works as a freelance
writer. Her writing interests centre on
women issues in Muslim experience in modern periods.
politics, cultural encounters, body politics and everyday life constitute her
main study areas. In Günün Kısa Tarihi
(Short Histroy of the Present-2008) the writer deals with the question of
practicing faith in a secular world. In a recent work, Başörtüsü: Sınırsız
Dünyanın Yeni Sınırı (Headscarf: Border of a Borderless World-2009), she makes
a study of the socio-politics of headscarf issue in Turkey from a global
publications include among others Emanet'ten Mülk'e: Kadın, Beden, Siyaset
(Women, Body and Politics-2003), Küreselleşmenin Pençesi İslam'ın Peçesi (Pawn
of Globalisation, Veil of Islam-2005), Yeni İnsan: Kaderle Tasarım Arasında
(New Human: Between Destiny and Design-2011).
Fatmanur Altun / Kamusal Alanda Başörtülüler - Nazife Şişman (Hece dergisi,
Mayıs 2000), İlim ve Sanat Vakfı 2002 Bahar Programı (2002), İhsan Işık /
Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi
(2. bas., 2009), Nazife Şişman (tmkv.org.tr, 24.08.2017), Nazife Şişman (tmkv.org.tr,