Historiographer of literature (b. 1896,
İstanbul - b. 2 January 1980). He graduated from I
He was famous for his research on literature
and studies of dictionaries. He also published the reviews Dergâh
(1921-23, 42 issues) and Kalem (1938-39, 13 issues), and was the
editor-in-chief of the weekly review Oluş (1936-39).
RESEARCH-STUDY: Türkçede Roman (The
Novel in Turkish, 1936; new edition by Alpay Kabacalı, 1985), Namık Kemal ve
İbret Gazetesi (Namık Kemal and the Newspaper İbret, 1938), Son
Asır Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi (History of Turkish Literature in the Last
Century, 1941), Evliya Çelebi (Evliya Çelebi, 1978).
DICTIONARY-ENCYCLOPEDIA: Türkçe Tabirler Sözlüğü (A Dictionary of Turkish Idioms, 1. volume, A to D, 1943), Büyük Osmanlıca ve Türkçe Sözlük (Great Ottoman-Turkish Dictionary, 1952), Edebiyat ve Tenkid Sözlüğü (A Dictionary of Literature and Criticism, 1954), Türk Tiyatrosu Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Turkish Literature, in collaboration with Baha Dürder, 1967).
In addition, he translated works by Jack London.