Hellmut Lutz

Çevirmen, Yazar

German writer and translator. In 1934 Hellmut Lutz was born in Moshi / Tansania. In 1939 he (and his family) was repatriated. He grew up during the 2nd World War. He studied in Cologne and Frankfurt and Bristol /England. In North Rhine-Westphalia he worked at several grammar schools as a German and English teacher.

For more than twenty years Hellmut Lutz worked as grammar school teacher and head of the grammar school department at a Bremen integrated secondary school (Schulzentrum). Because of his knowledge of Turkish he also was largely responsible for counselling immigrant children and their families, especially those with roots in Turkey.

At the Bremen Ministry of Education Hellmut Lutz for a number of years assisted to implement teaching, integration and language promotion measures for immigrant children. He also took part in the development of Turkish language curricula and in the review of respective bilingual textbooks. He also offered method and language-orientated in-service training to Turkish teachers seconded to Bremen from Turkey for the purpose of teaching children with Turkish roots “Turkish Language and Culture”.      

In 2003 Hellmut Lutz in Bochum was awarded the “Almanya’da Türkçe Anadil Eğitimi ve Anadili Emek Verenler” medal for supporting “Mother Tongue Education and Teaching of Turkish in Germany“.                                 

For many years he took part in special degree state examinations in “German as a Foreign / German as a Second Language”  DaF / DaZ at Bremen University.

Between 1971 and 1973 he worked as a full-time lecturer in the Department of German at Ankara Teachers Training College. During this period he learned the Turkish language.

Hellmut Lutz is a member of the GEW / TU (Union of Teachers in Education and Science) and of the “Association of Turkish-writing Authors in Europe” (ATYG).

Hellmut Lutz and Nevin Kiper met in Ankara. In 1973 they married in Istanbul and that year moved to Germany.

Hellmut and Nevin Lutz jointly published:

Aziz Nesin – “Çocuklarıma  / An meine Kinder / To my Children” written in three languages and published by themselves in 2016

303 pages – hard cover

ISBN 978-3-00-054830-7

Delivery on payment – e-mail:  [email protected]      


In five prose texts and 13 poems Aziz Nesin in his original Turkish tongue confronts himself and his readers with life’s important questions. Êach of the texts in Turkish, English and German îs enriched by pertaining comments and ten guiding questions.


Yürekten Yüreğe  / Von Herz zu Herz

Collection of 114 poems by 18 writers, all members of the        “Association of Turkish-writing Authors in Europe” /ATYG

Final translation into German and final editorial work by Hellmut and Nevin Lutz

Publisher: Schulbuchverlag Anadolu – 2018

335 pages – hard cover                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-86121-714-5

At present Hellmut Lutz is occupid with writing his memoirs “Bwana ntoto – Living on three continents”.

The German version is to be published first. He writes about his own and his family’s life, about his work as a teacher in Germany and Turkey, about his married life with a Turk and how he encountered Turkish culture, about the importance and the value of multilinguality in social life and literary production and intenesely deals with German colonialism, especially in the land of his birth, Tansania, where his father was a coffee-grower.

Hellmut Lutz lives in Oyten, close to Bremen.

E-mail: [email protected]          


REFERENCE: Kemal Yalçın (Confirmation of information, 14.04.2021)  



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