Aydın Öztürk

Deneme Yazarı, Roman Yazarı, Yazar, Şair

01 Ocak, 1955

Poet and writer (b. 1955, Tunceli). He was among the sustainers of the poetry wave rising from prisons after 12 September. He gave the name of his poem, Dayanır Yürek (Heart Tolerates) that he wrote in prison to his novel which is his second book. He is an artist known as musician as well as poet.


POETRY: Yanardağ Sıcağında (In The Heat of a Volcano, 1988), Bir Sevgi Kırılmasıydı (It Was a Cracking of Love, 1993), Ağıtlara Yazıldı Zaman (Time Written on Elegies), Yıkık Duvarlar Gibi Kaldı Gözlerim (My Eyes Were Like Dilapidated Walls, 1995), Cumartesi Anneleri (The Saturday Mothers, 1996), Yağmur Yürekli Mektuplar (The Rain-Hearted Letters, poem in prose, 1998), Ölülerle Hatıra Fotoğrafı (Memory Photograph with Deads, 1999), Şehriban (2001), Saklı Sevdiğim (My Secret Lover, 2001).

NOVEL: Bilirim Dayanır Yürek (I Know That Heart Tolerates, 1990).

NARRATIVE: Yürek Sapağı (Crossroads of the Heart, 1998).

ESSAY: Derin Nehirler Gibi (Like Deep Rivers, 1991), Ezberletilmiş Yalnızlıklar (Loneliness got Memorized, 1997 the writings in the second part of the book are new edition of the book, Derin Nehirler Gibi (Like Deep Rivers) that was published before).



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