Military man, politician, researcher and writer (b.1933, Pınarbaşı,
He was a member of the Committee for National
Unity, established after the military coup on 27 May 1960, when he then became
a member of the Social Commission and the press secretary. With the Committee
for National Unity, he took part in the work on the Temporary Constitution and
Parliamentary Regu–lations. From 1961 to 1963 he was the government
undersecretary for the Turkish embassy in
Türkiye ve Türk Dünyası Jeopolitiği (Geopolitics of
Turkey and the Turkish World), Göreve Çağrı (A Call for Duty), Türk
Rus Dostluğunun Önemi Lüzumu ve Önşartları (The Importance, Necessity and
Pre-conditions of the Friendship Between the Turkish and the Russians), Türk
Devrimi ve Atatürk (Turkish Revolution and Atatürk), Türklük (Being
Turkish), İslâmiyet ve Laiklik (Islam and Secularism), Millet
Birliğimiz - Vatan Bütünlüğümüz (Our National Unity and Integrity of the
Motherland), Soydaş Toplumlardan Kürtler (Kurds - A Society from
Our Race), Türk Aleviliği (Turkish Alewi), Tanzimatı Zarurî Kılan
Şartlar - Başarısız Kılan Sebepler (The Conditions That Necessitated the
Tanzimat* and the Reasons of its Failure), Türk Dünyasının Temel Meseleleri
(Basic Problems of the Turkish World), Medeniyetler Çatışması Üzerine
(On the Clash of Civilizations), Osmanlı Tarih ve Edebiyatında Türk
Düşmanlığı (Enmity against the Turkish in Ottoman History and Literature).