Scholar (b. 1938,
Çanakkale – d. 4 February 2001, Australia). He was the son-in-law of the
Nakshbendi Şeyh Zahid Kotku. After finishing Vezneciler Primary (1950) and
Vezneciler High School (1956), he graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty
of Literature, Departments of Arabic and Persian with certificates in Arabic
Language and Literature, Persian Language and Literature, Medieval History and
Turkish and Islamic Art (1960). Within the same year, he passed the exam at
Ankara University and entered the Chair of Classical Religious Texts as an
assistant. After working as a secretary on the publishing commission of the
faculty for two years, he did his doctoral dissertation on one of the poets of
the 15th century, Hatiboğlu
Muhammed ve Eserleri (Hatiboğlu Muhammed and his Works)
Between the years 1967 and 1968 he
lectured on Turkish and Humanitarian Studies at Ankara Yükseliş Engineering and
Architecture Private School. In 1973, he became assistant professor with his
thesis Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli, Makâlât (Hacı
Bektaş-ı Veli, Articles) and was appointed to the Chair of Turkish and Islamic
Literature at Ankara University, Faculty of Theology.
Between 1977 and 1980, he lectured on
Turkish Language and Literature at Sakarya State Engineering and Architecture
Academy. He became a professor in 1982 and with the idea to spend more time on
social and cultural activities, he left the university. Esad Coşan, who was the
owner of the magazines İslâm, Kadın ve
Aile, İlim ve Sanat, Gül Çocuk and who also wrote some editorials in these
journals in both Turkish and English, died in Australia on 28 February 2001.
His body was brought to Turkey and buried in Eyüp Graveyard after a funeral
attended by a huge crowd.
Matbaacı İbrahîm-i Müteferrika ve Risâle-i İslâmiyye (The Printer İbrahim-i Müteferrika and Pamphlets of Islam), Gayemiz (Our Aim), Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli / Makâlât (Hacı Bektaş-i Veli / Articles, 1988), Kuran ve Sünnet Yolunda (On the Way to Koran and the Teachings of Muhammed, 1991), Tasavvufa Giriş ve İslâmda Nefis Terbiyesi (Introduction to Sufism and the Self-Training in Islam, 1991), Başarının Prensipleri (The Principles of Success, 1992), Türk Dili ve Kültürü (Turkish Language and Culture, 1992), Avustralya Sohbetleri (The Australian Conversations, 4 volumes, 1992), Güncel Meseleler 1-2 (Current Issues 1-2, 1995), Hz. Ali Efendimizden Vecizeler (Epigrams form Esteemed Ali the Master, 1995), Yunus Emre ve Tasavvuf (Yunus Emre and Sufism, 1995), Sosyal Çalışmalarda Organizasyon ve Başarı (Organization and Success in Social Studies, 1995), Sosyal Hizmetlerde Hanımlar (Women in Social Duty, 1996), İslâm Çağrısı (The Call of Islam), Yeni Ufuklar (New Horizons), Çocuklarla Başbaşa (Tête-à-tête with Children), Yeni Dönemde Yeni Görevler (New Duties in a New Period), Haccın Faziletleri ve İncelikleri (The Virtues and Subtleties of Pilgrimage , Zaferin Yolu ve Şartları (The Way and Conditions of Victory), İslâm (Islam), Sevgi ve Tasavvuf (Love and Sufism), İslâmî Hizmet ve Çalışmalarda Metod (The Method in Islamic Services and Studies, Başarı Yolunda Sevginin Gücü (The Power of Love on the Way to Success), Ailenin Ahlâk Kılavuzu (Guide to Morality for the Family), Ramazan ve Takva Eğitimi (Ramadan and the Training of Piety), Tebliğ ve İrşad Çalışmaları (The Studies of Communication and Enlightenment), İslâm, Tasavvuf ve Hayat (Islam Sufism and Life), Haydi Hizmete (Come on, to Duty!), İslâm'da Eğitimin İncelikleri (Education and its Subtleties in Islam), Doğru İnanç ve Güzel Kulluk (True Belief and Being a True Human Being, 1998), Mi'raç (Prophet Muhammed’s Ascent to Heaven, 1998), İmanın ve İslâmın Korunması (The Protection of Faith and Islam, 1998), Fuzuli - Matla'ul İtikad fi Marifeti'l Mabda'i ve'l Maad (The Place where Faith is Born According to the First and Last Knowledge of Fuzuli, prepared for publishing, 2003).