Short story and
essay writer (b. 20 May 1940, Kahramanmaraş - d. 23 July 2022, Ankara). He attended primary and secondary
school education in K. Maraş, Malatya and Tunceli. He graduated from İstanbul
University, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Journalism (1964) and İstanbul
University, Faculty of Law (1967). In 1967, he entered the State Planning
Organization as an assistant specialist but he quitted his job to make master
on “Kalkınma Ekonomisi” (Development Economy) in the United
States. He made economical researches in varios districts of United States.
(1970-71). After returning the Turkey, he began to work as an inspector and
advisor in the Ministry of Culture (1975-78).
He left his duty and began to write
daily articles mostly on culture, education and communication in Yeni Devir
Newspaper with the pen name A. Gaffar Taşkın (1978-80). He returned to the
State Planning Organization and He served as a specialist (1980), Director of Office of Publication
Representation (1981), Assistant of General Secretary (1984-88), General
Secretary (1988) and consultant (1990).
His first
short story called Akarsu (The River)
were published in Varlık review,
January 1957 Issue. He published his short stories and thought works in the Varlık (1957-58), Soyut, Türk Sanatı (1957-58), Arayış
(1958), Hamle (1958), Dost (1962), Diriliş (1966), Edebiyat
(1969), Yeni İstiklal (1969), Mavera (1976), Yeni Devir (1977), Düşünce,
Sanat Olayı, Yeni Zemin, Yedi İklim, Tercüman, Zaman, Hergün, Millî Gazete,
Yeni Şafak (1995), Yeni Dönem
(1999) reviews and Newspapers.
He was one of the founders of Edebiyat review with Nuri Pakdil, Akif
İnan and Erdem Bayazıt in 1969 and also in 1976 with Cahit Zarifoğlu, Akif
İnan, Erdem Bayazıt, Alaeddin Özdenören and Ersin Gürdoğan, he founded Mavera
Review. His short story Çok Sesli Bir
Ölüm (A MultiVocal Death, 1984) and Çözülme
(The Dissolution, 1973) were adapted into movie. Çok Sesli Bir Ölüm (A MultiVocal Death) won the Jury Special Award
in the International Television Films Contest in Prag (1978). He took the
Thought Award of the Turkey National Culture Foundation with his work called İki
Dünya (Two Worlds) in 1978. He won the Writers Union Of Turkey, Short Story
Award with his book called Denize Açılan
Kapı (The Door Opened to
the Sea, 1978) and Essay
Award with Ruhun Malzemeleri (The Metarials of The Soul, 1986)
Özdenören has been one of the
skillful writers of his period in the short story genre. Moreover he reached a
true fame with his specific identifications and literary style. He told the
stories of a Muslim individual who tries to set up his own world in a world,
which the bridges between the past and the present collapsed. He told todays
people the deformity of the conditions in which the people live in but can not
aware of. In his book called Gül
Yetiştiren Adam (The Man Who Grows Roses, 1979), His subject matter was the
attrubitions and the dilemmas of the Turkish people aganist the Westernization
and its reflections on the next generation half a century after.
SHORT STORIES: Hastalar ve Işıklar (The Patients and The Lights, 1967), Çözülme (The Dissolution 1973), Çok Sesli Bir Ölüm (A MultiVocal Death,
1974), Çarpılmışlar (The Paralyzeds,
1977), Denize Açılan Kapı (The Door
Opened to the Sea, 1983), Kuyu (The
Well, Long Story, 1999), Hışırtı
(2000), Ansızın Yola Çıkmak (Suddenly
To Way Out, 2000), Toz (The Dust,
REFERENCE: Muzaffer Uyguner / Hastalar ve Işıklar (Varlık, 15.10. 1968), Sezai Karakoç / Sütun-I (1969), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007, 2009) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Fomous People (2013), Selim İleri / Modern Türk Edebiyatında 99 Hikâyeciden 99 Hikâye (1997), Mustafa Kutlu / Niçin Çarpılmışlar (Hisar, Mart 1978), TDE Ansiklopedisi (C. 7, 1990), Yedi İklim dergisi Rasim Özdenören Özel Sayısı (Şubat-Mart 1999), Ömer Lekesiz / Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Öykü IV (2001), Mehmet Kaplan / Hikâye Tahlilleri (10. bas. 2004), Ali Haydar Haksal / Rasim Özdenören: Ruh Denizinden Öyküler (2008), Rasim Özdenören Kitabı (2011), Bir Biyografi denemesi – Çok Sesli Bir Yazar Rasim Özdenören (K. Maraş Belediyesi, 2011), Usta yazar Rasim Özdenören hayatını kaybetti (DHA -, 23 Temmuz 2022),Yazar Rasim Özdenören son yolculuğuna uğurlandı (, 24.07.2022), Medeniyet davasının abide ismi Rasim Özdenören’e veda! (, 24.07.2022), Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Rasim Özdenören'in cenaze törenine katıldı (, 24.07.2022), 7 Güzel Adam'ın son temsilcisi yazar Rasim Özdenören, Erdoğan'ın katıldığı törenle toprağa verildi (, 24.07.2022), Selçuk Türkyılmaz / Rasim Özdenören ve okurları (, 25.07.2022).
NOVEL: Gül Yetiştiren Adam (The Man Who Grows Rose, 1979).
ESSAY: İki Dünya (Two Worlds, 1977), Müslümanca
Düşünme Üzerine Denemeler (Essays on Thinking About A Muslim Manner, 1985),
Yaşadığımız Günler (The Days We Live
in, 1985), Ruhun Malzemeleri (The
Materials of the Soul, 1986), Yeniden
İnanmak (Re-Believing 1987), Kafa
Karıştıran Kelimeler (The Confusing Words, 1987), Çapraz İlişkiler (The Cross Relations, 1987), Yumurtayı Hangi Ucundan Kırmalı (From Which side should the Egg be
Broken, 1987), Müslümanca Yaşamak (Living
in a Muslim Manner, 1988), Red Yazıları
(Essays of Rejection, 1988), Yeni Dünya
Düzeninin Sefaleti (The Poverty of the new World Order, 1996), Ben ve Hayat ve Ölüm (I, Life and the
Death, 1997), İpin Ucu (The Edge of a
Rope, 1997), Acemi Yolcu (The Rookie
Passenger, 1997), Kent İlişkileri (City
Relationships, 1998), Yüzler (The
Faces, 1999), Köpekçe Düşünceler
(Doggedly Thoughts, 1999), Eşikte Duran
İnsan (The Man on the Thresold, 2000), Yazı,
İmge ve Gerçeklik (Article, İmage and the Reality, 2002), Aşkın Diyalektiği (The Dialectic of
Love, 2003), Düşünsel Duruş (Ideological
Standing, 2005).
In addition to these he had
REFERENCE: Muzaffer Uyguner / Hastalar ve Işıklar (Varlık, 15.10. 1968), Sezai Karakoç / Sütun-I (1969), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007, 2009) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Fomous People (2013), Selim İleri / Modern Türk Edebiyatında 99 Hikâyeciden 99 Hikâye (1997), Mustafa Kutlu / Niçin Çarpılmışlar (Hisar, Mart 1978), TDE Ansiklopedisi (C. 7, 1990), Yedi İklim dergisi Rasim Özdenören Özel Sayısı (Şubat-Mart 1999), Ömer Lekesiz / Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Öykü IV (2001), Mehmet Kaplan / Hikâye Tahlilleri (10. bas. 2004), Ali Haydar Haksal / Rasim Özdenören: Ruh Denizinden Öyküler (2008), Rasim Özdenören Kitabı (2011), Bir Biyografi denemesi – Çok Sesli Bir Yazar Rasim Özdenören (K. Maraş Belediyesi, 2011),Usta yazar Rasim Özdenören hayatını kaybetti (DHA -, 23 Temmuz 2022),