Lawyer-writer. He was born in Istanbul on February 20, 1925. His father was a soldier so he lived in different cities of Anadolu during his childhood. He graduated from Galatasaray High School (1936-44) and Istanbul Faculty of Law (1948). He worked as a French translator in Anadolu Agency Istanbul Office for a year. He went to USA with the Fulbright Scholarship and he received his Ph.D. on International Law in Kentucky University (1951-54). He began to work as an assistant at Istanbul Law Faculty. He became associate professor in 1956. He worked as visiting lecturer in Columbia University Faculty of Law in USA (1956-61), as Legal Advisor in United Nations Immigrants High Commissariat (1962-63) in Genève. He became professor in 1964. He worked as visiting lecturer in Aix-en Provence University in French (1974-75), in Chicago University (1981-82) in USA. He worked as manager of International Law Institute (1970-73), as manager of Atatürk’s Revolutions Research Institute (1973-83) and as dean of Istanbul Faculty of Law (1982-83). He gave lectures in Istanbul Faculty of Law and Istanbul University Economy, Business, Veterinary and Dentistry Faculty, Military Academy and Naval Military Academy, Air Force Academy, Tobacco Experts Vocational School. He worked as Sivas congressman for two terms between 1983 and 91. During the same period he represented Turkey in European Council Parliamentary Council.
Çekoslovakya Sorunu (1994), Tarihte ve Bugünkü Çin (1995), Türk İnkılap Tarihi (1919-1938) (1997), Terörün Anatomisi, Yabancıların Arazi İktisabı Meselesi, Turkey and Some Problems of International Law, Yabancıların Hukuki Durumu, Türk Devrim Tarihi, Devletler Hukuku, Devletler Hukuku El Kitabı, Devletler Hususi Hukuku, Devletler Hususi Hukuku Bakımından Mülteciler, Siyasi Tarih, Çin Vietnam, Biraz Hürriyet, Türk Milletlerarası Usul Hukuku, Terörizmin Dünü – Bugünü – Yarını, Çekoslovakya ve Ortadoğu Sorunu, Terörün Anatomisi.
REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).