Mehmet Ali Aybar
Man of politics and writer (b. 5 October 1908, İstanbul – d. 10 July 1995). He attended the Galatasaray High School and graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Law (1935). He became an assistant at the same university in 1936. He completed his doctorate studies in 1939 and became an associate professor of Law of States in 1942. He was dismissed from the university, because of his articles published in the newspaper Vatan (1946). The newspapers Hür and Zincirli Hürriyet, which he published in 1947, were both closed down. He was sentenced for eight months in prison in 1949, accused of insulting the president. He was acquitted with the general amnesty in 1950. For some time, he worked as a lawyer (1952-62). He became the Chairman of Workers’ Party of Turkey, which was established in 1961 (1962). Being elected as the İstanbul deputy at the elections in 1965, he entered the parliament. He served as the judge of the Russell Court, which was established to investigate the crimes United States committed in Vietnam (1966-67). He was once again elected a deputy in 1969. In 1969, he gave up first the chairmanship and the next year the membership of the Party. Later on, he became the chairman of Socialist Revolution Party (with former name Socialist Party), where he was one of the founders (1975-79).
One of the leading Turkish socialists of the Republican period, Aybar defended the idea of “Smiling Socialism” which he claimed to be peculiar to Turkey. He opposed the occupation of Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. He criticized the Leninist organization structure in Marxism. A relative of Nazım Hikmet and Ali Fuat Cebesoy, Aybar supported the idea, which puts that “socialism is impossible without democracy”. As he demanded in his will, he was buried next to his wife's grave, who married him in 1947. Siret Hanım had passed away in 1987. He had a daughter named Güllü (1956).
Bağımsızlık, Demokrasi, Sosyalizm (Independence, Socialism, Democracy, his essays and speeches between 1948 and 1968, 1968), 12 Mart’tan Sonra (After 12th March, his speeches at the National Assembly during the period after 12 Mart, 1973), Marksizm’de Örgüt Sorunu (Problem of Organisation in Marxism, 1979), Leninist Parti Burjuva Modelinde Bir Örgüttür (Leninist Party is an Organization in Bourgeois Model, 1978), Neden Sosyalizm (Why Socialism?, 1987), TİP Tarihi I, II, III (History of the Workers Party of Turkey I, II, III, 1988), Sosyalizm ve Bağımsızlık-Uğur Mumcu ile Söyleşi (Socialism and Independence-Interview with Uğur Mumcu, 1986), Marksizm ve Sosyalizm Üzerine Düşünceler (Thoughts on Marxism and Socialism, edited by Aylin Özman, 2002).