Lawyer, author (B. 1926, Ordu – D. 1994, Istanbul). After completing Besiktaş 20th Year Primary School and Ortaköy Gaziosmanpasa Secondary School; he left Kabataş Boys High School as he had been successful in boarding school exams and placed to Balıkesir High School, from which he graduated (1945). Same year, he received state maturity diploma. He conducted his duty as an attorney for twenty years, following his graduation from Istanbul Faculty of Law in 1951.
He was famous as the prominent lawyer of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and Nur students. He resigned from Istanbul Bar, left the country in 1972; first he went on hajj, and then started to work as the speaker in the Turkish section of Jeddah Radio in 1974. He was retired due to his age in March 1989. He was the president of the Executive Board of Student Union of Istanbul University Law Faculty as part of National Turkish Students’ Union, Association for Struggle against Communism, Turkish Cultural Center (two terms), Turkey-Pakistan Friendship Union, Federation of Nationalists and Nationalists’ Association Istanbul Branch. He left the Nationalists Association due to the rejections of the members about his defense of Said Nursi and Nur students and due to his illness; he devoted his life to defend the Nur students who were imprisoned because of their religious activities.
His first article named “Know Your Limits Kemalist” was published in the journal of Altın Işık in Istanbul. Then, his articles were published in Altın Işık, Güzel Ordu, Tez Kalkınma, Sebilürreşad, Demokrat Akşehir, Orkun, Ocak, Büyük Doğu, Komünizme Karşı Mücadele, Hukuk Yolu, Yeni Asya, Yeni Nesil, Köprü and many other journals and newspapers. He was the founder and publisher of the journal named Komünizme Karşı Mücadele (1950-52). He made the programs named Edebiyat Dünyası, İlim ve İman, Tarihten Sayfalar, Konu ve Çözüm, Yeni Buluşlar.
Komünizme Karşı Mücadele (1950-1952), Dünya Anayasalarında Din (1961), Patrikhane ve Kıbrıs (1962), Mülâkât, Ankara Dâvâsı, İslâmî Hareket, Müslümanlar Kızıllarla Bir Tutulamaz (1969), Kanunsuz Suç Olmaz, İlmî ve Hukukî Açıdan Nurculuk Davası (1971), Kararlar I - II, İthamları Reddediyorum (1972), Hakkın Zaferi İçin (1972), Zafer Bizimdir (1972), Türkiye’de Nurculuk Davası (1973), Doğu Olayları ve Tehlikenin Kaynağı (1991), Körfez Fitnesi (1991), Hakkın Müdafaası, Belgelerle Bediüzzaman’ın Kabir Olayı (2001).
REFERENCE: Kadir Mısıroğlu / Geçmiş Günü Elerken (1993), Necmeddin Şahiner/ Hak ve Hakikatin Müdafii Avukat Bekir Berk (1995), Hüdavendigar Onur / Türk Sağı Sözlüğü (2001), Sabahattin Aksakal / Hakkın Müdafaası, İhsan Atasoy / Hayatını Davasına Adayan Adam Bekir Berk (2004), Abdullah Aymaz / Tuzaklar karşısında Bekir Berk (Zaman, 3.10.2004), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007, 2009).