Elvan Çelebi


Mystic (B. ?, Kırşehir – D. 1359, Mecitözü). He is one of the sheikhs of Vefaiye  order. He is the son of famous mystic and poet Kırşehirli Aşık Pasha. It is assumed that he was born in Kırşehir, but this information is not accurate. He received his training from Sheikh-ul Islam Fahreddin Effendi, a caliph of his father. He established a Zawiyah at the place which is known as Elvan Çelebi village today, between Çorum and Mecitözü. His tomb is next to this Zawiyah.

His work named Menâkıbu’l-Kudsiyye fî Menâsıbi’l-Ünsiyye (prepared for publication by İsmail E. Erünsal-A. Yaşar Ocak, 1984) in which he tells about Baba Ilyas Horasani and his family is very important for the history of mysticism.

REFERNCE: Ethem Erkoç / Elvan Çelebi Hayatı-Zaviyesi-Eseri-Düşünceleri, 2004), Mikail Bayram / “Menâkıbu’l-Kudsiyye’nin Neşri Hakkında” (Kelime, issue: 2, July 1986), Mertol Tulum / “Elvan Çelebi’nin Menâkıbu’l-Kudsiyye Adlı Eserinin İkinci Baskısı Münasebetiyle-I” (İlmî Araştırmalar, issue: 2, 1996, II. part: Erdem, issue: 26, 1996; III. part: Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, issue: 107, February 1997), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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