Poet and writer
(b. 1944,
In 1970 he
published Halkın Dostları review with Ataol Behramoğlu. In following
years, İsmet Özel experienced great changes in his political and philosophical
approaches, and dedicated himself to the Muslim Ideology. Another following
twenty years, he claimed that he broke the ties with the Islamic Media. His
third work called Cinayetler
Kitabı (The Book of
Murders, 1975) was a perfect example of his quality in writing poems which it
emphizes the his dedication to his early works. In addition to putting his
understanding of poetry, the book called Şiir Okuma Kılavuzu (The Handbook of Reading a Poem, 1980) also points
an still being a research field: the contemporary position of Turkish Poetry.
In the book
called Celladıma Gülümserken (When I
Smile at My Executioner, 1984), the main borders of İsmet Özel’s poetic world
clearified, he collected all his poems in the book Erbain / Kırk Yılın Şiirleri (Erbain-The poems of 40 Years, 1987).
Except newspaper
works, starting from 1960, he published his poems and works in Devinim 60, Papirüs, Yeni Dergi, Şiir
Sanatı, Halkın Dostları (1964-71),
Diriliş, Mavera, Gösteri, etc reviews. İsmet Özel wrote daily anectodes to Yeni Devir newspaper (1977-79 and
1981-82), beginning from 1981-82 / 1985
partially in the Millî Gazete,
moreover also in the Yeni Şafak newspaper.
Both in these works and his first essay book called Üç Mesele (1978), he defended that Muslim had to be dependent to
the Islamic sources itself. He claimed that this is the most realistic and
rightful effort in the conditions that is far and away from Islamic Sources.
He won the Writers’ Union
Turkey’s Essay Award (1985) and Chileian Poet Gabriela Mistreal Award (1995) with his book Taşları Yemek Yasak (It is
Prohibited to Eat the Stones). He told his views about intellectual
agenda in the television program called “İsmet
Özel'le Başbaşa” (Alone with İsmet Özel) which was announced by İsmet
Kara in Channel 7.
POETRY: Geceleyin Bir Koşu (A Run in The Night,
1966), Evet İsyan (Yes, Rebel, 1969),
Cinayetler Kitabı (The Book of
Murders, 1975), Şiirler 1962-74
(Poems 1972-74, 1980), Şiir Kitabı
(Poetry Book, 1982), Celladıma
Gülümserken Çektirdiğim Son Resmin Arkasındaki Satırlar (The Verses behind
the Last Photograph that Was Shot When I Smile to my Executioner, 1984), Erbain-Kırk Yılın Şiirleri (Erbain-The
poems of 40 Years, 1987), Bir Yusuf Masalı (A Yusuf Story, 1999; added
with CD, 2004), Çatlıycak Kadar Aşkî (Love
to Cracking, 2003).
ESSAY: 1960’larda Şairin Genç Bir Adam Olarak
Portresi (A Portrait of a Young Poet as a Man, edit with Ataol Behramoğlu),
Üç Mesele (Three Problems, 1978), Şiir Okuma Kılavuzu (The Handbook of
Reading a Poem, 1980), Zor Zamanda
Konuşmak (Talking in the Hard Times, 1984), Taşları Yemek Yasak (It is Prohibited to Eat the Stones, 1985), Bakanlar ve Görenler (Ones Who Looks and
the Ones Who Sees, 1985), Faydasız
Yazılar (Useless Essays, 1986), İrtica
Elden Gidiyor!... (The Islamic Reaction Is Disappearing, 1986), Surat Asmak Hakkımız (Looking Angry Is
our Right, 1987), Tehdit Değil Teklif
(An Offer, not a Threat, 1987), Ve’l-Asr (And
The Time), Waldo Sen Neden Burada
Değilsin (Waldo Why Are You Not Here, 1988), Cuma Mektupları 1-5 (Friday Letters 1-5, 1989-92), Sorulunca Söylenen (1989), Tahrir Vazifeleri (The Duties of
Collections, 1992), Neyi Kaybettiğini
Hatırla (Remember What You Have Lost Before, 1996), Tavşanın Randevusu (The Appointment of Rabbit, 1999), Bakanlar ve Görenler (Ones Who Looks and
the Ones Who Sees, 2000), Bilinç Bile
İlginç (Even the Concious Is Strange, 2000), Cuma Mektupları 6-7 (Friday Letters 6-7, 2002), Cuma Mektupları 8 (Friday Letters 8,
2002), Cuma Mektupları 9 (Friday
Letters 9, 2003), Cuma Mektupları 10 (Friday
Letters 10, 2004), 40 Hadis (Forty
Hadis*, 2004), Henry Sen Neden Buradasın
I-II (Henry Why Are You Here I-II,
LETTER: Genç Bir Şairden Genç Bir Şaire Mektuplar (Letters from a Young Poet to
Another Young Poet, Letters of him and answers from Ataol Behramoğlu, 1995).
REFERENCE: Eser Gürson / Geceleyin Bir Koşu (Yeni Dergi, Eylül 1966), Mustafa Kutlu / Üç Mesele (Hareket, Nisan 1979), Ebubekir Eroğlu / Amentü ve Öncesi (Yönelişler, Mart 1983), Binnaz Toprak / İki Müslüman Aydın: Ali Bulaç ve İsmet Özel (Kitap Dergisi, Ekim 1986), Mehmet H. Doğan / Evet İsyan’dan Sünni Şaire (Adam Sanat, Ağustos 1990), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Michael E. Meeker / Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin Yeni Müslüman Aydınları (Bilgi ve Hikmet, Kış 1993), İsmail Kara / Türkiye’de İslâmcılık Düşüncesi (1994, c. 3, s. 595-696), İsmet Özel’in Dünya Sistemi Ve(rsus) Türklük Tasavvuru (Dergâh, Ocak 2006).