Poet and writer (b. 1946, Bayburt). He
attended the Erzurum Teacher Training School and graduated from the Erzurum
Institute of Education (1967). The he completed his graduate studies on
literature education at university. He started to work as a teacher of
literature at secondary schools, and then he began to give lectures at Gazi
Institute of Education and at Middle East Technical University. He was
appointed as a first counselor to the Ministry of Culture in 1979 and as the
Director of Theater and Entertainment Broadcasting at the Turkish Radio and
Television Corporation’s Ankara Radio. He worked as an expert at the Television
Department and as the Broadcasting Assessment Director at the Turkish Radio and
Television Corporation. He was one of the founders of Writers Union of Turkey
and the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of
Turkey and was the chairman of the latter for a while. He was the chairman of
the Turkic World Writers and Artists Foundation that he established together
with his friends, for a long period of time.
He was recognized with his poems
published in the review Hisar. He
also wrote book reviews in this review. His poems and articles also appeared in
reviews like Türk Edebiyatı, Doğuş
Edebiyat, Millî Kültür, Boğaziçi and
Türk Dili. He collected the Foundation of Turkish National Culture Award in
1977 with his book titled Çağ Sürgünü (The
Exile of the Century), and the Poetry
of Hagira Award of the same foundation with his poem titled Hicret Duyguları (The Feelings of
Hagira). He received many awards in
the poetry and essay competitions organized by the newspaper Tercüman. In 1988, his novel with the
title Oğuz Dede (Grandfather Oğuz)
ranked third at the Children’s Novels Contest held by İzmir Municipality and
the same novel was given the Atatürk Language and History Higher Association
Art Award in 1992. His novel titled Sarkaç
(Pendulum) was among the novels that were awarded at the 700th Years Awards of
Tuzla Municipality. He has focused on writing plays and novels in recent years.
His play titled Eski Çarıklar (The
Old Shoes) was staged at the State Theater and Aile Bağları (The Bonds of Family) was staged by various theater
groups. He attended to many international meetings to stand for Turkey.
POETRY: İstesen (If You Wish, 1969),
Akşamla Gelen (Coming with the Evening, 1975), Çağ Sürgünü (The Exile of the Century, 1977), Saatler ve Çehreler (The Hours and Faces, 1982), Ötelerden (From Far Away, 1986), Kimselere Anlatamadım (I Couldn’t Tell
it to Anybody, 1988), Sözümüz Var (We
Have Something to Say, 1996), Aşkta
Bereket Var (There is Fruitfulness in Love, translated into Macedonian and
published in Macedonia, 1998), Eylül
Kuşatması (September Siege, 2001).
NOVEL: Özlem Yokuşları (The Ramps of Yearning,
1981), Dönüş Acıları (The Grieves of
Turning Back, 1983), Yaralı Dağlar (Wounded
Mountains, 1987), Oğuz Dede (Oğuz
Dede, 1991), Sarkaç (Pendulum, 2000).
PLAY: Enver Paşa ve Büyük Ümitler (Enver Paşa
and Great Expectations, 1985), Eski Çarıklar (The Old Shoes, 1987), Aile Bağları (The Family Ties, 1987).
MEMOIR: Siyasetname ya da Bir Seçim Hikâyesi (The Book of Politics or Story
of an Election, 1996).
RADIO PLAY: Ceylan Vurmak (Hunting a Gazelle), Torosların Öbür Yüzü (The Other Side of the Taurus), Plevne Günleri (The Days in Plevne), Nene Hatun (Nene Hatun), Şirket Koltuğu (The Chair of the
He also wrote some text books.