Veli Ertan

Eğitimci, Yazar

azi Behavioral Institute Department of Pedagogy

Educationalist and writer (b. 1910, Akseki, Antalya - d. 1993, İstanbul). He attended primary and elementary school in Ankara Darü’l-Hilafe Madrasah Muslim School, the first grade of Teachers Training School and Antalya Secondary School. He graduated from Gazi Behavioral Institute, Department of Pedagogy. He was educated in Arabic and Literature in Iraq where he was sent by the Ministry of National Education. From 1933, he worked as a teacher and in management positions in several cities. He worked as director at the Institute of Advanced Islam. He retired in 1974. His articles have been published in the reviews İslâm Medeniyeti, Yeşilay, Millî Kültür, Hilal, Tohum, Sur and Hakses. He wrote articles on religious themes in the Encyclopedia of Turkish Language and Literature.


Hz. Ali (Esteemed Ali, 1962), Cevdet Paşa, Hayatı ve Eserleri (Cevdet Paşa, His Life and Works, 1964), Mehmet Akif, Hayatı, Eserleri ve Tesirleri (Mehmet Akif, His Works, Life and Influence, 1969), Ahmed Hamdi Akseki'nin Hayatı, Eserleri ve Tesirleri (Ahmed Hamdi Akseki, His Life, Works and Influence, 1966), Son Peygamber Hazret-i Muhammed'in Hayatı (Muhammed, The Last Prophet's Life, 1975), Cumhuriyet Devrinde Din Eğitimi (Religious Education in the Republic), Din Müesseseleri ve Din Âlimler (The Institutions and Scholars of Religion, with Hasan Küçük, 1976), Altıparmak Peygamberler Tarihi (Six Fingers, History of the Prophets, with İ. Turgut Ulusoy, 1981).


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