Researcher and writer (b. 25 August
1947, Balıklı Şeyh village / Hendek / Sakarya). He attended Hendek Cumhuriyet
Primary School (1960), the Hendek Secondary School (1963), Ankara Police
College and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science,
Department of Economics and Finance (1973). He worked at the Police
Headquarters General Directorate (1973-76) and in Cumhuriyet University,
Faculty of Arts and Sciences (1976-88). After he completed his higher
education, he became a professor. After 1988, he lectured Turkish political
history at the Police Academy and also at the Atatürk Research Center.
His first poem was published in the
periodical Hür Düşünce (January,
1968) and his first articles were published in the periodical Fikir ve Sanatta Hareket. Since then his
articles have been published in periodicals and newspapers such as Sanat Bilim ve Kültürde Orhun, C.Ü. Sosyal
Bilimler (Sivas), Hakikat (Sivas), Tarih ve Toplum, Dergâh, Osmanlı Tarihi
Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkez Dergisi, Polemik, Türk Yurdu, Kebikeç,
Müteferrika, Yeni Türkiye, Toplumsal Tarih, İstanbul Araştırmaları, Atatürk
Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, Türklük Bilgisi, Polis Bilimler Dergisi beginning
in 1983. He wrote 24 items for the encyclopedia Yapıtları ve Yaşamlarıyla Osmanlılar (Ottomans, Their Works and Lives). He presented papers at many
symposiums and wrote sections in award books. He became known for his studies
about Turkish history of culture, anthologies and simplifications. He won the
Turkish Writers Association Research Award with his work Hürriyet ve İtilaf Fırkası (The Party of Freedom and Agreement) in
1990 and received the Turkish Writers Association Memoir Award with his work Süleyman
Necati Güneri / Hatıra Defteri (Süleyman Necati Güneri / Memoir Book).
Hürriyet ve İtilaf Fırkası (The Party of Freedom and Agreement, PhD thesis, 1990), Matbuat Aleminde Birkaç Adım (A Few Steps in the Press World, 1992), Abdülmecid Fehmi (Derin) / Manastır'ın Unutulmaz Günleri (The Unforgettable Days of Monastery, with Ayşe Şen, 1993), Müverrih-i Mâderzâdın Fülân-nâmesi (Book of Such and Such of Natural Born Historian, 1994), Selim Nüzhet Gerçek / İstanbul'dan Ben de Geçtim (Selim Nüzhet Gerçek / I Too Passed Through İstanbul, with İsmail Kara, 1997), Mahalle Mektebi Hatıraları (Memoirs of District School, with İ. Kara, 1997), Kâmil Kepecioğlu / Tarih Lugati (Kâmil Kepecioğlu / The Dictionary of History, 1999), Mehmet Behçet Yazar / Edebiyatçılar Alemi (Mehmet Behçet Yazar / The World of Authors, 1999), Süleyman Necati Güneri / Hatıra Defteri (Süleyman Necati Güneri / Memoir Book, 1999), Tarih Uğrunda Matbuat Aleminde Bir Adım (A Step in the Press World for the Sake of History, 2001).
REFERENCE: Beşir Ayvazoğlu / Kitap Kurdu Bir Karadeniz Uşağı: Ali Birinci (Defterimde Kırk Sûret, 3. bas., 1999, s. 169-174), İstanbul’dan Ben de Geçtim (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 14.12.2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Tarih Uğrunda Matbuat Aleminde Bir Adım (Kitap Rehberi, Aralık 2001), Arslan Tekin / Edebiyatımızda İsimler ve Terimler (2005).