Ruşen Keleş

Kent Bilimci, Araştırmacı, Yazar

19 Ağustos, 1932
Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University Faculty of Law, New York University Massachusetts Inst

Researcher and writer (b. 19 August 1932, Trabzon). He attended Trabzon Cudi Bey Primary School (1944), Trabzon High School (1950) and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science (1954), Ankara University, Faculty of Law (1955) and New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1960). He entered Ankara University as an assistant in 1957. Here he completed his PhD (1961) and became assistant professor in 1965 and professor in 1971. He worked as an academician at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, the Middle East Technical University, the Gazi University and the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus East Mediterranean University. He was the Dean of Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science (1971-75). He served as Director of the Housing and City Planning Institute (1982).

His articles were published Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Amme İdaresi, İller ve Belediyeler Reviews and Cumhuriyet newspaper. He prepared over 25 Turkish and English compilations.  In 1993, he won the Abdi İpekçi Special Peace Award and the Imperial Japanese Medal. He is a member of the United Nations Turkish Association and a former member of the Turkish Language Association.


STUDY-RESEARCH: Şehir ve Bölge Planlaması Bakımından Şehirleşme Hareketleri (Urbanization Movement from the Point of View of City and Regional Planning, 1961), Türkiye'de Konut Kooperatifleri (Housing Cooperatives in Turkey, 1967), Eski Ankara'da Bir Şehir Tipolojisi (City Typology in Old Ankara, 1971), Şehirciliğin Kurumsal Temelleri (Institutional Basis of Urbanization, 1972), 100 Sorunda Şehirleşme, Konut ve Gecekondu (Urbanization, Housing and Shanty Towns in 100 Question, 1972), İzmir' in Mahalleleri (Neighborhoods of İzmir City, 1973), Kentbilim İlkeleri (Fundamentals of Urban Science, 1976), Şehircilik, Sorunları, Uygulama ve Politika (The Problems of City Planning: Practice and Politics, 1978), Kentbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü (The Dictionary of Urban Science, 1980), Kent ve Siyasal Şiddet (City and Political Violence, with A. Ünsal, 1982), Yerel Yönetimler (Local Administrations, with F. Yavuz, 1983), Çevre Sorunları (Problems of Environment, with F. Yavuz , 1983), Kentleşme ve Konut Politikası (The Politics of Urbanization and Housing, 1984), Türkiye'de Kent Yönetimi (City Governance in Turkey, 1988), Kentleşme Politikası (The Politics of Urbanization, 1990), Çevrebilim (Ecology, 1993), Yerinden Yönetim ve Siyaset (Decentralization and Politics, 1992), Fransa ve İspanya'da Yerinden Yönetim (Decentralization in Spain and France, 1994), Avrupa'nın Bütünleşmesi ve Yerel Yönetimler (Integration of Europe and Local Administrations, 1999).

COLLECTION: Toplum Bilimlerinde Araştırma ve Yöntem (Research and Methodology in Social Sciences, 1976), İnsan, Çevre, Toplum (Human, Environment, Society, 1994).

In addition to these his translations have been published.




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