Rohat Alakom

Araştırmacı, Yazar

Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences
Researcher-writer. He was born in Kağızman, Kars in 1955. Rohat Alakom is the name that the writer used in his works. He completed his primary and secondary education where he was born. He studied journalism in Istanbul in 1973. Later, he moved to Ankara and completed Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences (1974-1978). After, he went abroad and lived in Bulgaria and Germany for four years, and settled in Sweden in 1983. Rohat Alakom has a reputation for his researches in the fields of Kurdish history, Kurdish culture and folklore. Some of his researches were translated into Arabic, English and French. Lifes and works of some Kurdish people such as Said-i Kürdi, Şerif Pasha, Ziya Gökalp, Yaşar Kemal and Zaro Ağa became subjects of books for the writer. He drew great attention when his work named Unutulmuşluğun Bir Öyküsü: Said-i Kürdi (1991) was published. Even the main heading puts a striking interpretation on how the close contacts between the reader and the history were disrupted. Adventures of Kurdish immigrants and exiles, who were deported, take an important place in the researches of Rohat Alakom. His researches about Istanbul Kurds, Central Anatolian Kurds, and Swedish Kurds were published in various languages. In the following years, he studied the history of Swedish-Kurdish relations. His book, Bin Yıl Boyunca İsveç-Kürt ilişkileri, which was published in 2000, made a tremendous impact in the press. In recent period, his attention in his writing life slipped towards the borderline city, which he came from. For example, he studied Torin, who was known as aristocrats of the region. He was greatly interested in Ağrı Rebellion and cultural heritage of the region. He collected the studies, which he carried out in places such as Kars and Kağızman, into a book. His last study in this context named Kağızman- Kars’ın Tadı Tuzu was published as Kağızman Municipality Publication. Alakom examined Kağızman from different viewpoints in his work, which bears the title ‘first book ever published in the history of Kağızman Municpality’. WORKS: Kürdoloji Biliminin İki Yüz Yıllık Geçmişi (1987), Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatında Kürtler (1989), İsveç Kaynaklarında Kürt Motivleri (Kurdish, 1991), Unutulmuşluğun Bir Öyküsü: Said-i Kürdi (1991), Yaşar Kemal’in Yapıtlarındaki Kürt Gerçeği (1992), Ziya Gökalp’in Büyük Çilesi: Kürtler (1992), Kürt Folklorunda Bir Kadın Hakimiyeti (Kurdish, 1994), Kürdistan’da Yeni Bir Güç: Kürt Kadınları (Kurdish, 1995), General Şerif Paşa - Bir Kürt Diplomatının Fırtınalı Yılları (1995), Hoybun Örgütü ve Ağrı Ayaklanması (1998), Eski İstanbul Kürtleri (1998), Bin Yıl Boyunca İsveç-Kürt İlişkiler (Swedish, 2000), Orta Anadolu Kürtleri (2003), Torınlar: Kürt Aristokratları (Kurdish, 2004), İsveç Kürtleri (Kurdish, 2006), Kürtler: Kırk Yıl İsveç’te (Swedish, 2007), Tarihin Aydınlığı (Kurdish 2008), Dünyanın En Yaşlı Adamı Zaro Ağa 1774-1934 (2009), Kars Kürtleri (2009), Bir Türk Subayının Ağrı İsyanı Anıları (2011), Kağızman- Kars’ın Tadı Tuzu (2012).


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