Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı

Islamic Scholar


Religious scholar (B. 1846, Manastır – D. 1912, ?). He was a member of family originally from Konya. His grandfather Abdülvehhap Zaimî settled in Manastır thereby fleeing during Vaka-i Hayriye (the events ended in the removal of Guild of Janissaries by Mahmut II). His father was District Captain İbrahim Efendi and his family was known as Sancakdarzade. İsmail Hakkı had primary education in Manastır and then continued his education in Istanbul. He took Arabic courses from Mustafa Şevket Efendi in addition to attending the course of Islamic sciences by Tikveşli Yusuf Ziyaeddin Efendi, the teacher of inner peace courses and therefore got icazet (sufficiency, diploma). Afterwards, including Hagia Sophia Mosque’s stand sheikh (a person who explains what preacher said after the prayer), he got various ranks; he acted as the stand lecturer. He preached in Dolmabahçe Valide Sultan, Süleymaniye, Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia. His preaches in Hagia Sophia Mosque attracted many audiences. On the other hand, he was the Arabic teacher in Eyüp Military Secondary School, fiqh (Islamic Law) teacher in Law School, akaid (principle that has to be believed) teacher in Mühendishane-i Berrî-i Hü­mâyun (İstanbul Technical University), tafsir (Interpretation of the Koran), hadith (the Prophet’s words) and kalam (the explanation of principles of faith by using rational proofs) teacher in Mekteb-i Mülkiye (School of Political Sciences).

İsmail Hakkı Bey was also a fiqh usûl-ü fıkıh (science that is the original and foundation of information of Islamic Law) an tafsir lecturer in İstanbul Darülfünûnu (University) in 1899. He was rewarded with the Ottoman token from the forth rank due to his success in teaching post that lasted twenty four years. He was elected to the Assembly of Notables on December 16th, 1908 and while he was in charge, he went on a trip to Rumelia with Sultan Reşat. He died at his house located at Anadoluhisarı on December 5th, 1912, and his corpse was buried in vicinity of Fatih Mosque.

 İsmail Hakkı Bey who knows Arabic, Farsi and Bulgarian had a rich culture and reached a specific knowledge level. Articles were written in newspaper and periodicals such as “Sebîlürreşâd”, “Tercümân-ı Hakikat”, “Tasvîr-i Efkâr”, “Teşrih”, “İkdam” upon his death. His son, Asım Arar was the private doctor of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his grandson İsmail Hakkı Arar was assigned as State, Justice and National Education ministers in Republic period.

İsmail Hakkı Bey, who lived in a period when westernization process gained speed in Turkey, tried to answer objections put forward by Westerner writers about religion of Islam and at the same time he advocated topics of marriage, divorce and Islamic dressing and also advocated practical provisions such as reprisal and limit penalties. He generally handled topics related to kalam (T.N. an Islamic science to proof and explaining faith principles in a rational manner) in a classical frame and explained he was connected to Matüridi (communion connected to el-Matüridi). His works set partially example for scholars such as İsmail Hakkı İzmirli and Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen.

His work named as “Tercümetü’r-Risâleti’l- Hamîdiyye (Beyyinât- ı Ahmediyye)” was the translation and explanation of Hü­seyin el-Cisr’s “er-Risâletü'l-Hamidiy-ye” and it was published as four volumes after serialized in “Tercümârı-ı Hakikat” newspaper. The forth volume was the explanation prophetical topics that were mentioned in the other volumes and it was written by the writer himself. Ahmet Gül, by simplifying the work, published it under the name of “Risâie-i Hami-diyye (Islam is the religion of God and realness) (Istanbul 1973, 1980). His work named as “Hak ve Ha­kikat” was written as a refutation for the work that was written by Reinhart Pieter Anne Dozy and translated into Turkish by Abdullah Cevdet with the name “Târih-i İslâmiyet”. Moreover, he translated a part of Nesemâtü’l- eshâr fi medhi'n-nebiyyi’l-muhtâr”, an aesthetics book written by Abdülganî en-Nablusî and annotated it… Nazif Ay prepared a postgraduate thesis by the name of “Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı'nın İslâm Düşüncesindeki Yeri (T.N. The Place of Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı in Islamic Thought).


Hâce-i Lisân-ı Osmârıî (Is­tanbul 1294), Tercümetü’r-Risâleti’l- Hamîdiyye (Beyyinât-ı Ahmediyye, from Hü­seyin el-Cisr’den, Istanbul 1307-1308, 1329),  Ahkâm-ı Şehr-i Si­yam (Istanbul 1309), Mevâhibü’r-rahmârı fiMenâkıbi’rı-Nu’mân (from İbn Hacer el-Heytemî, Istanbul 1310), Metâlib-i îrfâniyye ve İzâhât-ı Nûrıiyye (an annotation to the work by Hızır Bey titled el-Kasidetü’n-nûniyye, Istanbul 1312), Vesâilü'l-felâh fi mesâili'n-rıikâh (Is­tanbul 1313), Mevâidü’l-in’âm fi akâidi'l-İslâm (Istanbul 1314), Tefsir-i Sûre-i Yâsin (Is­tanbul 1316), Telhisü’l-kelâm fi berâ-hini akâidi’l-İslâm (Istanbul 1324), Mevâiz (Istanbul 1324, 1331), Şerhu’s-sadr bi-fezâili leyleti’l-kadr (Istanbul 1325), Kitâbü’l-vesâyâ ve’l- ferâiz (Istanbul 1326), Kosova Sahrâsı Mev’izası (Thessaloniki 1327), Usûl-i Fıkıh (Istanbul 1328), Hak ve Ha­kikat (Istanbul 1329), Mebâdi-i Fârisî, Füyûzâtü’l- meliki’l-allâm fi kerâmeti Abdisselâm (translated from Abdülkerim Bermutî), Şerhu Mi’yâri’l-adâle.     

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmet Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1915-1925, yeni bas. 1972), İbrahim Alâeddin Gövsa / Türk Meşhurları (1946), Bağdatlı İsmail Paşa / Hediyyetü’l-ari­fin I (Haz: İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal - Avni Aktuç (1955), Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (c. II, 1968), Sadık Albayrak / Son Devir Os­manlı Ulemâsı (1980), Na­zif Ay / Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı’nın İslâm Dü­şüncesindeki Veri (Yüksek lisans tezi, 1995), Salih Sabrî Yavuz / Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi (cilt: 27, s: 563, 564, 2003), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013). 



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