Birgivî (Mehmed)

Mutasavvıf, İslam Bilgini

27 Mart, 1523
21 Eylül, 1573
Diğer İsimler
Şeyh Muhyiddin b. Pîr Ali b. İskender er-Rûmî

Islamic scholar, mystic (B. March 27, 1523, Balıkesir – D. September 21, 1573, Birgi / Ödemis/ Izmir). His full name is Sheikh Muhyiddin b. Pîr Ali b. İskender er-Rûmî. He received his first information from his father who was a professor. Then he went to Istanbul and attended to the lectures of Küçük Şemseddin Efendi and Ahizade Mehmed Efendi. He attached himself on the way of mysticism to the Bayramı sheikh Abdurrahman Karamanı. He was a professor in Istanbul for a while. He was on official duty in Edirne and Halep. He also worked as a minister during his professorship, trying to keep the public away from superstitious beliefs. He has harshly criticized the Sheikh-ul Islam Ebussuud Effendi and Kadi Bilalzade due to some Islamic law opinions of them he considered wrong. He thought that his criticism had no effect, so he resigned from his official duty and sheltered to Sheikh Karamanı. Upon the request of his sheikh, he distributed the money he received due to his official duty to those who had the right. Meanwhile, he was appointed to the new madrasah built by the teacher of Selim the Second, Birgili Ataullah Effendi with the reference of Karamaı and Ataullah Effendi. As his reputation increased, students all around Anatolia arrived to this madrasah. His works were effective on Kadızadeliler. He continued teaching in here until he passed away due to plaque.


INTERPRETATION: Tefsîr-i Sûre-i Bakara.

SUFISM: et-Tarîkatü’l-Muhammediyye (trans. Celâl Yıldırım, 1979), Cilâü’l-Kulûb, Vasiyetnâme (yay. haz. Musa Duman, 2000).

LINGUISTICS: el-Avâmil, İzhârü’l-Esrâr, İmtihânü’l-Ezkiyâ, Kifâyetü’l-Mübtedî.

ISLAMIC LAW: İnkâzu’l-Hâlikîn, İkâzü’n-Nâimîn, es-Seyfü’s-Sârim, Zuhru’l-Müteehhilîn ve’n-Nisâ (çev. M. Cemal Öğüt, 1947).

HADÎS (the prophet Muhammad's sayings/deeds): er-Risâle fi’l-Hadîs, ed-Dürrü’l-Yetîm.

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), Şükran Fazlıoğlu / “Mehmed Birgivî” (Yaşamları ve Yapıtlarıyla Osmanlılar Ansiklopedisi, vol. I, 1999), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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