Kâmil Miras

Devlet Adamı, İslam Bilgini, Siyasetçi, Şair

30 Nisan, 1957
Istanbul University Ulum-i Aliye-i Diniyye

Islamic scholar, poet, politician and statesman (B. 1874, Afyonkarahisar - D. April 30th, 1957, Istanbul). His father was the mudarris (teacher) Ahmet Efendi. He received the first education from his father. He completed his primary and secondary education in Afyonkarahisar. After the graduation from the major of Ulum-i Aliye-i Diniyye (T.N. a religious term to define all required religious knowledge) at Istanbul University, he started to give lectures in the Bayezid Mosque. While being on this duty, he entered the Ottoman Mebusan Meclisi (Great Council) upon having been elected as the Afyonkarahisar deputy in the elections made after the proclamation of the Second Constitutional Period (1908). In the following years, he continued to serve as an Islamic scholar. He was elected as a deputy of Afyonkarahisar in the year 1923 with the Republic's emergence. Reading verses from the Koran and praying at the opening ceremony of Parliament, Kâmil Miras was one of those who signed the bill of the law related to Ankara's being the capital city of Turkey. After that period, Prof. Miras was not interested in politics and devoted all of his time to the religious and scholarly works. After having acted as a consultant at the Presidency of Religious Affairs for three years, to which he was appointed in June 26 1940, he retired on April 24th, 1943.

Prof. Miras was the first person to come up with the idea of translation and translation and interpretation of the Koran in Turkish during the Republican period. As a result of the unanimous acceptance of a law he submitted to the council, a nine-volume book of tasfir prepared with the name as "Hak Dini Kur’an Dili" by Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır was published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs. In addition to this, his proposal of the publication of the translation of Buhâri was also approved by TBMM (T.N. the Grand National Assembly of Turkey). This important work was published with the translation of the first three volumes by Naim Ahmed, and the translation of the other nine volumes by Kâmil Miras. Having a very good knowledge of Arabic and Persian, Miras was one of the most important scholars of hadith raised in Turkey. He edited such famous works as Beyzavi, Hazin, Medarik and İbn-i Abbas, as well as Ahkâmu’l Kur’ân. He was among the writers of Türk ve İslam Ansiklopedisi (T.N. Turkish and Islamic Encyclopedia). Miras was as well a poet. The following verses on the fountain inside Yeşil Cami (T.N. the Green Mosque) in Bursa are his:

“Ey Müslüman! Şu şadırvan, sanma sâde bir çağlayan

Tanrımızın rahmeti bu, su değildir ondan coşan

Köylerinden fışkıran, hüzne bir nurdan direk

Gönülleri hoş etmede dökülürken süzülerek.”


Kâmil Miras had three sons, namely Talât, Emin and Sedat. Talât Miras was on the duties of embassy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for many years. Miras was buried in a cemetery located at Istanbul, Anadolu Hisarı.


Din-i İslâm Tarihi’nin Emevi ve Abbasi Devirlerine Ait Kısmı, Tarih-i İlm-i Fıkıh, Kur’an ve Tefsir Tarihi, Ahlâk-ı Şer’iyye, Kur’an’ın Cem’i, İlm-i Kelâm Tarihine Ait Tetkikler, Ramazan Musahabeleri. 

REFERENCE: İrfan Ünver Nasrattınoğlu / Afyonkarahisarlı Şairler Yazarlar Hattatlar (1971), İrfan Ünver Nasrattınoğlu - Mehmet Sarlık / 75 Yılda Yöneticilerimiz (1998), Prof. Dr. Nesimi Yazıcı / Kâmil Miras - Hayatı ve Eserleri (2002), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007) - Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).



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