Writer (b. 1916, İstanbul - d. 14
January 1986). He attended the İstanbul Primary School Teacher School (1935)
and graduated from Ankara Gazi Institute of Education (1937). He worked as a
teacher of Turkish and literature at Adapazarı, Bandırma and Haydarpaşa
elementary and high schools, İstanbul Institute of Education and the Municipal
School of Music.
His stories, research on language
and articles on various subjects were published in the reviews Servet-i Fünun, Uyanış, Yarım Ay, Ilgaz and
Türk Dili after 1934.
SHORT STORY: İnan Bana (Believe in Me, 1939), Son Çare (The Final Way, 1942), Durakta
Bir Adam (A Man at the Stop, 1949), Çardak
Altı (Under the Pergola, 1952), Elebaşı
(The Ringleader, 1964), Dördüncü İyilik
(The Fourth Goodness, 1967), Ayça (Ayça, 1970).
RESEARCH-COLLECTION: Çocuklar İçin Edebiyat (Literature for
Children, 1980), Mehmet Emin Yurdakul (Mehmet Emin Yurdakul, 1963), Örnekleriyle Çocuk Edebiyatımız (Children's Literature with
Examples, 1966), Yazma Yolu ve Yeni İmla
Kuralları (The Way to Writing and Spelling Rules, 1966), Kompozisyon İlkeleri ve Antoloji
(Composition Principles and Anthology, 1969), Behçet Kemal Çağlar (Behçet
Kemal Çağlar, 1970), Açıklamalar
ve Hikâyelerle Atasözleri ve Deyimler (Proverbs and Idioms with
Explanations and Stories, 1974).
LITERATURE: Masal İçinde Masallar (Tales within Tales, 1958), Nasıl Yetiştiler (How Were They Brought Up?, 1977), Nar Tanesi (Pomegranate Seed, 1983), Armağan (The Gift, 1983).