Abdurrahim Balcıoğlu

Yazar, Şair

14 Temmuz, 2012
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A. Rahim Balcıoğlu

Poet and writer. He was born in Yarpuz Village/ Akseki/ Antalya in 1928. His full name is Abdurrahim Balcıoğlu. He did not get a regular education, he was self educated. He was condemned when he was nineteen years old; he stayed in prison for five years and delivered with the general amnesty in 1950. He worked as a tally man under the II. Region Highway Management, and worked as a columnist in Hergün newspaper (1976).  His other writings and poems were published in such magazines like; Serdengeçti, Tarla, Hisar, Türk Edebiyatı, Töre and in newspapers such as; Bizim Anadolu, Yeni Düşünce, Yeni İstiklal, Zaman, Güneş, Hür Anadolu, Son Havadis. In 1970s he made some social and cultural research in Iron Curtain countries. He was retired in 1985. He received a prize in Poets of the World Congress in 1991. He is a member of İLESAM.


POETRY: Kerpiç Saray (1962), Düş Taşları (1966), Acılı Zamanlar (1989), Yakarışlar (Yaradan’a niyazlar, 1993).


INTERVIEW: Ekmek Göçü (1967), Demir Perdeyi Aralıyorum (1970).

NOVEL: Terleyen Duvarlar (1974).

RESEARCH: Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak (1975), İnsanlığın Ruh Mimarlığı (Peygamberlerin mücadeleleri, 1991).

MONOGRAPHY: Osman Yüksel Serdengeçti (1992).

REFERENCE: Mehmet Nuri Yardım / A. Rahim Balcıoğlu (Yeniçağ, 26.8.2004), Mehmet Nuri Yardım / Yazar Olacak Çocuklar (2004), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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