Journalist and
writer (b. 27 May 1953 [registered 1950], Ambaralan / Dereli / Giresun). She
used her father's name in some of her works, hence Emine Şenlikoğlu Özkan. She
attended İstanbul İmam
Her articles and poems were published in the reviews and newspapers Gençlik, Sur (1978-84), Ribat, Yeni Devir, Millî Gazete (1978-88), Marmara (1979), Yeni Asya, Mektup (1985),
Vahdet (1988-89), Akıncı (1978)
and Ribat (1986). Her novel Bize Nasıl Kıydınız (How Could You Do
That to Us?) was made into a television series by the Esra Film Company. Her
novel Maria was translated into
German in 1997 and after editions in Arabic and Malaysian. She is a member of
Association for the Protection of the Environment and Mankind Services (founder
member, chairwoman), the Association of Missing Persons (honorary chairwoman),
the White Crescent Organization, the Foundation and Center for Libraries and
Information of İstanbul Municipality and the Organization of Human Rights and
Solidarity for Oppressed People.
ESSAY: Gençliğin İmanını Sorularla Çaldılar (They
Stole the Faith of the Young People with Questions, 1984), İslâmda Erkek (Man in Islam, 1988), Ülkemi Arıyorum (I’m Looking for My Country, 1990), İnsanlar da Kayar (Mankind Slips Too,
1992), Önce Soru Sorarlar Ham İnsanı
Koparırlar Dininden (They Ask Questions and Take the Faith out of People,
1992), Geri Tepen Kurşunlar (Ricocheting
Bullets, 1995), Geçmişin İzleri (Traces
of the Past, 1994).
STUDY-RESEARCH: Biz Bu Vatanın Neyi Oluyoruz? (What are
We to This Country? 1991), Geri Tepen
Kurşunlar (Ricocheting Bullets, 1995),
Kılavuz İslâm'ı Doğru Anlamak 1-2-3-4 (A Guide to Understanding Islam in
NOVEL: Bize Nasıl Kıydınız? (How Could You Do
That to Us? 1988), Ne Olur İhanet Etme (Please
Do not Betray, 1990), Maria (1992), İdamlık Genç (The Young Man to Be
Executed, 1993), Ben Kimin Kurbanıyım? (Whose
Victim Am I? 1994), Sabıkalı ve Dul (The
Notorious and The Widow, 1995), Çingene (Gypsy,
1996), İmamın Mankenleri (İmam
Models, 1997), Çin İşkencesi (Chinese
Torture, 1997), Kadınları Kadınlar da
Eziyor (Women Offend Women Too, 1997),
Hristiyan Gülü (Christian Rose, 2000).
POETRY: Mahkûm Duygular (Arrested Sentiments,
1988), Ruhumun Penceresi (The Window
of My Soul, 1990).
MEMOIR: Burası Cezaevi (This is the Prison,
SHORT STORY: Kelepçeli Kalemimden (From
My Handcuffed Pen, 1991), Vicdan Azabı (Pangs
of Conscience, 1991), Depremin Ardından (After
the Earthquake, 2003), Ağlayan Köpek (The
Crying Dog, 2003).
INTERVIEW: Telefonla Röportaj (Interview
on the Telephone, 1990), Radyo-Basın
Röportojları (Interviews for Radio and Press, 1995), Televizyon Röportajları (Interviews for Television, 1997).
TRAVEL LITERATURE: Ağlatan Yollar (The
Roads that Make You Cry, 1993), Kıbrıs
Sular İçinde Bir Yetim (Cyprus is an Orphan at Sea, 1993), İnsanlığın Belgeseli (Documentary of
Humanity, 1994), Uzaktaki Çığlıklar (Distant
Screams, 1995).
SATIRE: İsimsiz Kitap (The Untitled Book, 1993).
STORY: Anne Büyüklere Birşey Söyle (Mommy,
Say Something to the Grown-ups, 1993),
Şirin Köy (Sweet Village, 1994),
Küçük Kız (Little Girl, 1994), Küçük
Kelebekler (Little Butterflies, 1996),
Yılan Yavrusu (Baby Snake, 1996),
Kırmızı Elbiseli Kız (The Girl in a Red Dress, 1996), Satılık Çocuk (Kid for Sale, 1998), Topal Karınca (The Crippled Ant, 1998), Küçük Kızın Umudu (Hope of a Little Girl, 1999), Hayal Çocuk (Imaginary Boy, 2000), Ali'nin Dünyası (The World of Ali,
2003), Civciv Ailesini Tanıyalım (Let’s
Get to Know the Chick Family, 2003),
Civcivin Rüyası (The Dream of the Chick, 2003), Hastalanan Civciv Çimiçimi (Çimiçimi, the Chick that Became Ill,
2003), Karşılık Beklemeyen Civciv (The
Chick that Expects Nothing in Return, 2003),
Özür Dileyen Civciv (The Chick who Apologized, 2003), Soru Soran Civciv (The Chick who Asks Questions, 2003).