Hüsnü Dikeçligil

Hüsnü Dikeçligil

January 26, 1985
Ankara Gazi Faculty of Education Department of History

Educator, writer. (B. 1918, Kahramanmaraş- D. 26 January 1985).  He completed his primary and secondary education in his hometown. He graduated from Ankara University Gazi Education Faculty History Department. He worked as teacher in Kayseri and as manager in National Education Directorate (1958). After 1961, he was congressman from AP Kayseri for three terms.

He supported the establishment of Imam Hatip schools and high Islam institutes. He worked in associations against communism (1965). Many of his artices were published in İslâm (1961-65), Oku (1961-67), Büyük Doğu (1966-69), Fedai (1964-65), Orhun (1962-64), Mücadele (1964-67) magazines and Yeni İstanbul, Tercüman, Babıalide Sabah neewspapers.


Millî Eğitim Davamız (1975), 40 Hadis / İdarî Mevzulara Ait Hadisler (tsz.).