Historian of religion (b. 1960, Hekimhan / Malatya).
He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Theology (1984). In 1985 he
started to work as a research assistant at Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of
Theology, Department of Philosophy and Religious Science, Main Science Branch
of the History of Religions. He completed his M.A. at Durham University, School
of Oriental Studies (the United Kingdom, 1988-89) and his doctorate at
Manchester University, Department of Middle Eastern Studies (1989-91). In 1992
he was appointed as an assistant professor to Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty
of Theology, Chair of History of Religions. In 1993 conducted research at
Manchester Victoria University with a scholarship provided by the British
Council. In 1995 he became an associate professor of history of religions. In
1999, with a scholarship provided by Harvard University, Department of Middle
Eastern Languages and Civilizations, he participated in the First International
Mandaeans Conference to present a paper and stayed in the United States for a
while. He served as the chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Religious
Sciences at Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Theology between 1998 and
Associate Professor Şinasi Gündüz is still a member of
the board of directors and the chairman of Chair of the History of Religions at
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Theology. In addition, at Faculty of
Theology and Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Social Sciences, he gives
lectures on the history of religions, comparative religions, Gnostic beliefs,
history and theology of Christianity, heterodoxies,
mythology and dialogues between religions. He is a member of the History of
Religions Association the headquarters of which is in Ankara.
From 1992 his articles have been published in the
magazines Journal for the Study of the
New Testament, OMÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Tezkire, Yeni Harran Çevresi,
Virgül, Dini Araştırmalar, Fecre Doğru. He has written articles for Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi (The Turkish Foundation for Religious
Affairs’ Encyclopedia of Islam). He has participated in symposiums related to
his field and has he presented papers.
The Knowledge of Life, The Origins and Early History of the Mandeans and Their Relation to the Sabians of the Koran and to the Harrarians (1994), Dinlerde Yükseliş Motifleri (Motives of Ascents in Religions, with E. Sarıkçıoğlu and Y. Ünal, 1995), Din ve İnanç Sözlüğü (Dictionary of Religion and Belief, 1998), Mitoloji ile İnanç Arasında: Ortadoğu Dinsel Gelenekleri Üzerine Yazılar (Between Mythology and Belief: Articles on Religious Traditions of Middle East, 1998), Sabiiler Son Gnostikler (Sabians, the Last Gnostics, 1995; expanded second edition, 1999), Pavlus: Hristiyanlığın Mimarı (Pavlus: The Architect of Christianity, 2001), Misyonerlik: Hıristiyan Misyonerler, Yöntemleri ve Türkiye’ye Yönelik Faaliyetleri (Missionary: Christian Missionaries, Their Methods and Actions in Turkey, with M. Aydın, 2003).
REFERENCE: Sibel Özbudun / İman Sahibi Bir Bilim Adamı mı? (Virgül, sayı: 8, Mayıs 1998) - Harraniler ve Sâbiîlik (Virgül, sayı: 5, Şubat 1998), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) - Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Prof. Dr. Şinasi Gündüz kitapları (1000.kitap.com, kitapyurdu.com, 0112.2019).