Biography writer (B. ?. Uluköy / Sonusa / Amasya - D. 1567). His real name is
Kemâleddin İbrahim bin Bahşî. He was known as Kara Dede. He began to school
when he was working in leather job, in a short time he improved himself and
became a mudarris. He worked as mufti for seven years in Kefe. Later he moved
BIOGRAPHY: Tabakâtü’n-Nuhât (Biographies of
syntax and literature scholars).
POETRY: Manzume (It is in the Vehbaniye style
of Islamic Law).
OTHER WORKS: Haşiye alâ Tefsîr-i Kadı, Haşiye alâ
Sadrü’ş-şerîa, Haşiye alâ Mevâkıf, İzzî Şerhi Sadeddin Haşiyesi (This work
is about grammar, syntax, dictionary etc. and it is known as Dede Cöngî),
Menâkıb-ı Evliya, Masârif-i Beytü’1-Mâl, Lüccetü’l-Fevâid, Siyâsetnâme (from
Arabic, edit. Şeyhülislâm Meşrepzade Mehmed Ârif, 1859).
Ansiklopedisi 2 (1977), TDOE-TDE
Ansiklopedisi 3 (2003), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).