Mehmet Rami Ayaş

Social Scientist, Researcher

Ankara University Faculty of Language History and Geography Department of Philosophy, Ankara University Faculty of Theol

Social sciences researcher. He was born on July 19, 1931 in Gaziantep. He graduated from Gaziantep High School, Ankara University Faculty of Theology and DTCF Department of Philosophy (1957). He worked as a teacher at Diyarbakir Imam Hatip High School (1957-1958) and Antalya Imam Hatip School (1959-1962); and as the founding director and teacher at Gaziantep Imam Hatip School (1962-1965). He was appointed as sociology of religion assistant at AU Faculty of Theology in 1965. He became a doctor in 1970, an associate professor in 1979 and professor of sociology and psychology of religion in 1988. He was the head of chair, and vice chair of Islamic Civilization and Social Sciences Department. He became the founding chair of Inonu University Department of Sociology and worked there for two years (1982-1984). He has established the Şanlıurfa Faculty of Theology under Gaziantep University and worked as the first dean of the faculty (1988-1992). He became the chair of Sociology of Religion and Philosophy and Science of Religion at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Theology. He was retired in 1998.

His research areas are; introduction to sociology, sociology of religion, psychology, sociology of education, psychology of education, history of theories of sociology and history of sociological institutions. His articles were published in journals such as Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, İslâm İlimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi ve Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.


RESEARCH: Türki-ye‘de İlk Tarikat Zümreleşmesi Üzerine Din Sosyolojisi Açısından Bir Araştırma  (1992), Kur‘an-ı Kerimde Çalışma Kavramı (1994), İslâm Gerçeği (co-op., 1995).

TRANSLATION: Muhyiddin İbnü‘l Arabi-‘nin Menkıbeleri (from Ebu‘l-Hasan el-Bağdâdî, with Abdülkadir Şener, 1972), İslâm Sufileri (from R. Nicholson, with M. Dağ, K. Işık, 1978), Es-Siyâsetü‘l-Medeniyye (from Farâbî, with M. Aydın ve A. Şener, 1980), Hz. Muhammed Mekke‘de (from Montgomery Watt, with Azmi Yüksel, 1986).

Also he has a textbook named as Din Kültürü ve Ahlâk Bilgisi (1982).

REFERENCE: TDOE – TDE Ansiklopedisi 2 (2002), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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