Rıfat Bilge

Researcher, Writer

Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Researcher-writer (B. 1873, Kilis – D. 1953, Ankara). He completed his primary and secondary education in his town. He completed Istanbul Teachers’ School (1898) and taught Turkish and Arabic at several schools. Rifat Bilge also graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Law and he was known with his works on manuscripts written in Turkish, Arabic and Persian.


Kitab-ı Dede Korkud (1914), Divân-u Lugati’t-Türk (3 volumes, 1917), İbn-i Mühanna Lugati (1919), Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi (Volumes 7 and 8, 1928), Bezm ü Rezm (1928), Maniler (1928), El-Kavâninü’l Külliye (1928), Divân-ı Türki (from Esterâbâdi, 1928), Divân-ı Türki (from Sultan Veled, with Veled Çelebi, 1935), El İdrak Haşiyesi (from Ebu Hayyan, with Veled Çelebi, 1936), Keşfüzzünûn (from Kâtip Çelebi, with Şerafettin Yaltkaya, 2 volumes, 1941-43), Zeyl (from Ismail Pasha, with M. Kemal İnal, 1952).

He also has translations from Persian.

REFERENCE: Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (ex p. ed. 6,1999), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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