Korkut Boratav

Researcher, Writer

04 December, 1935
Ankara University Faculty of Law

Researcher and writer (b. 4 December, 1935, Konya). He attended primary school in Ankara, elementary school in Kayseri and high school in Ankara. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law (1959). After a law apprenticeship, he did his doctorate studies at the Faculty of Political Science. (1967). He continued his academic career as an associate professor in economics (1972) and professor (1980) at the same faculty in which he had started as a research assistant. He went to Zimbabwe University because he was removed from office under martial law number 1402. At the economics faculty of this university he served as an associate professor (1984-1986) and independent researcher (1987-1988). He was re-appointed as a professor to Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Economic Development and International Economics Department by a judicial decision of the Council of State (1989). He resigned from this office in 2002.

He has published his articles in the reviews Toplum ve Bilim, Journal of Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries, The World Economy, Toplum ve Hekim, World Development, İşletme ve Finans, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Monthly Report of the Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies (WIIW), in Türk-İş Yıllığı, ANKA Ekonomik Bülteni and in collected books like Türkiye'de Tarımsal Yapı ve İstihdam (Agricultural Structure and Allocation), Küreselleşme (Globalization), External Liberalization, Economic Performance and Social Policy, İktisadi Kalkınma (Economic Development), Kriz ve İstikrar (Crisis and Stability), Oktar Türel’e Armağan (Gift to Oktar Türel), Dünya Ekonomisinde Bütünleşme Hareketleri ve Türkiye (Uniting of the Global Economy and Turkey), İlhan Tekeli İçin Armağan Yazıları (The Writing Gift for İlhan Tekeli). He has taken part in research projects, congresses and conferences organized by national and overseas institutions. He received the Mülkiye Alumni Award in 1983 and the Turkish Academy of Sciences Service Award in 1997 with his book Tarımsal Yapılar ve Kapitalizm (Agricultural Structures and Capitalism).


Die Türkische Wirtschaft im 20. Jahrhundert: 1908-1980 (1987), Stabilization and Adjustment Policies and Programmes -Country Study 5: Turkey (1987), Türkiye İktisat Tarihi: 1908-1985 (Economic History of Turkey: 1908-1985, 1988), İktisat ve Siyaset Üzerine Aykırı Yazılar (Non-conformist Papers on Economics and Politics, 1988), 1980'li Yıllarda Türkiye'de Sosyal Sınıflar ve Bölüşüm (Social Classes and Distribution in Turkey during the 1980s, 1991),  Türkiye'de Sanayileşmenin Yeni Boyutları ve KİT'ler (New Dimensions of Industrialization in Turkey and Public Enterprises, 1993), İstanbul ve Anadolu’dan Sınıf Profilleri (Class Profiles from Istanbul and Anatolia, 1995), Türkiye Tarihi 5, Bugünkü Türkiye 1980-1995 (History of Turkey 5, Contemporary Turkey, 1980-1995, 1995, Bülent Tanör ve Sina Akşin ile birlikte, Yayın Yönetmeni: Sina Akşin), Türk KİT Sisteminin İktisadi Değerlendirmesi, Araştırma Raporu (Economic Assessment of the Turkish Public Enterprise System, Summary Report, 1998, Y. Kepenek, E. Taymaz, T. Bali, N. İ. Ertuğrul ve M. A. Candan ile), Yeni Dünya Düzeni Nereye (The New World Order: Whereto?, 2000), Türkiye İktisat Tarihi: 1908-2002 (Economic History of Turkey: 1908-2002 (2003). 


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