Kurthan Fişek

Kurthan Fişek

Istanbul, Turkey
17 Eylül 2012
Ankara, Turkey
Middle East Technical University Faculty of Administrative Sciences
Diğer İsimler
Sıfırcı Hoca

Political scientist, academician, journalist, author. (B. 1942, Istanbul- D. September 17, 2012, Ankara.) He is famous with the nickname "Zero-Giving Teacher". He is the grandson of Hayrullah Fişek, one of the commanders of Independence War and former undersecretary of Ministry of National Defense and son of Dr. Nusret Hasan Fişek, former health minister".

He has completed his primary, secondary and high school education in TED Ankara College (1960). He graduated from METU, Faculty of Administrative Sciences. During his years as a student, he worked as a reporter in Yeni Gün and Öncü newspapers (1960-1966). He worked as editor in chief at Turkish Daily News newspaper.  He became a lecturer at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences. He received his professor degree in 1980 with his book named "Sports Administration". He was the president of Ankara Sports Academy and Athletism Federation between the years of 1978-1979. He was the Vice Dean at Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences between the years of 1980-1983. In 1983, he was expelled from his duty at the university, according to the articles of Martial Law No. 1402. He returned to his duty in 1990 with Council of State decision. He resigned on September 12, 1990 and returned to work in journalism. In 1999, he became the Vice Dean of Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences with the decision of YOK. He worked as publication and administration consultant in magazines such as Nokta, Tempo, Aktüel, Ekonomist. He wrote articles in Sabah and Hürriyet newspapers.


Türkiye’de Kapitalizmin Gelişmesi ve İşçi Sınıfı (1969), Devlete Karşı Grevlerin Tahlili (1969), 100 Soruda Sosyalist Devlet (l970), Yönetim (1975), Yönetime Katılma (1978), Spor Yönetimi (1979), Türk ABD Silâh Ticaretinin İlk Yüzyılı 1829-1929 (2007), Burası Ankara (2012).

REFERENCE: Deniz Bilgen Çakır / "Abdullah Öcalan'a sıfır veren hoca; Kurthan Fişek" ( September 17, 2012) Sıfırcı Hoca’yı kaybettik (Hürriyet, September 17, 2012), Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği / Türkiye Kültür Sanat Yıllığı (2013), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (V. 12, 2017).