Hüseyin Batuhan


İstanbul Advanced Teacher Training School

Philosopher. Born in Sürmene / Trabzon in 1921. He completed his secondary school education in public boarding schools at Kastamonu and Izmir Boys’ High Schools (1939); then he completed the Higher School for Teacher Training in Istanbul (1943). He became an assistant in the same school. After completing his doctoral studies with the thesis “Concept of Irony and Humor in Kierkegaard”, he became an associate professor with the thesis “Development of the Idea of Tolerance in the West”. He started to work at Middle East Technical University in 1966. Then he worked as a lecturer at universities in Munich, Oxford and Salzburg. He was retired in 1978.


ESSAY-RESEARCH: Batıda Tolerans Fikrinin Gelişmesi I (1959),  Modern Mantık (with Teo Grunberg and Sabahattin Eyüboğlu, 1970), Modern Mantık ve Uygulamaları (with T. Grunberg and Adnan Onart, 1973), Bilim ve Şarlatanlık (1994).

PLAY: Büyük Çınar (oyn. 1965).

MEMOIR: İspanya’da Bir Şato-Bir Düşünürün Anıları (2002), Bir Zamanlar Turan Vardı (2002).

TRANSLATION: Teodicee Denemeleri (İmanla Aklın Uygunluğu Üzerine, from G. W. Leibniz, 1946), İnsan, İnsanın Nereden Geldiği (from Arnold Gelen, 1954), Tarihte Gelişme ve Krizler (from Erich Rothacker, 1954), Varoluş Felsefesi Üzerine (from Jaochim Ritter, 1954).

Besides, two mimeographs of the author were published.

REFERENCE: Arslan Kaynardağ / Felsefecilerle Söyleşiler (p. 267-312, 1986), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (exp. ed. 6, 1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (vol.1, 2001), İş’te Kitap (Spring 2002), İspanya’da Bir Şato-Bir Düşünürün Anıları (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 28.3.2002), Aslı Örnek / Turan’ın En Mutlu Yılları (Radikal Kitap, 28.7.2002), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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