Edirneli Nazmî

Diwan Poet, Poet

Other Names

Poet (b. ?, Edirne - d. 1554). His real name was Mehmed. He joined the Janissary Corps and took part in campaigns in Iran (1514) and Egypt (1517) with Yavuz Sultan Selim. He was a law clerk during Sultan Süleyman’s reign. He was supported by the Nakşibendi* sheikh, Filibeli Mahmut Efendi who was also known as Baba Efendi and by one of the followers of Şeyh Rüstem Paşa.

The poems of his Divan* of 46-48 couplets were not skillfully written but are important because they were written without using Arabic or Persian words and noun phrases. He also compiled a collection of parodies written in this period called Mecmau’n Nezair (Collection of Parodies) consisting of 3356 poems. Some say that his poems written in simple Turkish are the first examples of “National Literature”. The Turkish poems in his Divan* were published by Prof. Fuad Köprülü in 1928. Nihal Atsız made a study on the same work (1934). 


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