Hüseyin Suat Yalçın

Yazar, Şair

21 Mart, 1942
Tıbbiye Mektebi (School of Medicine)
Diğer İsimler
Gâve-i Mazlum, Gâve-i Zalim

Poet and writer (b. 1867, İstanbul - d. 21 March 1942, İstanbul ). He is the brother of Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın. After graduating from Tıbbiye Mektebi (School of Medicine), he worked as a doctor in Mytilene and İstanbul and then went to Paris as an intern. On his return from Paris, he served as an inspector of health (1898-1908) and member of the Council for Health in Damascus.

He worked as a doctor in various cities in Anatolia during the years of the Independence War and on the ships of the State Maritime Lines after the declaration of Republic. He gained fame with his lyric poems on love and women, which were written with the influence of Cenap Şahabettin and Tevfik Fikret. In addition, he wrote plays and did translations.


POETRY: Lâne - Melal (Home of Nations, 1910), Gave Destanı (Epic of Gave, humorous poems, 1923).

PLAY: Kirli Çamaşırlar (Dirty Washing, 1911), Çürük Temel (Unstable Foundation, adaptation from French, 1915; staged at the İstanbul Municipal City Theatre, 1916), Kayseri Gülleri (Roses of Kayseri, 1920), Ahirette Bir Gün (One Day in Our Life to Come, poem in syllabic meter, 1926), etc.



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