Süreyya Agayeva
Academician (b. 29 April 1947, Baku). She graduated from Üzeyir Hacıbeyov Bakü Conservatory (1971). She worked as a musicolog and as a teacher of music and gave conferances. She graduated from Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Arthitecture and Fine Arts in 1976. She worked as an academician in Bakü Consevatory and in Bilkent University, Faculty of Music and Stage Arts, and became an associate professor of fine arts in Moscova Scientific Research Institute of Fine Arts in 1979. She got the Main Scientific Specialist certificate in 1989. She is a member of Azerbaijan Compositors Union, International Council of Traditional Music (UNESCO). She speaks Russian, English and Persian.
Abdulkadir Maragi ve Onun Bilimsel Eserleri (Abdulkadir Maragi and His Scientific Works, Moskova), XIII-XIVyy. Azerbaycan Alimlerinin Eserlerinde Mugam Teorisi (Theory of Mugam in the Works of Azerbaijan Scientists in 13th and 14th centuries, Tashkent), Ortaçağ Kafkas Halklarının Sanatında Müzik Estetiği Meseleleri (Problems of Music Aesthetics in The Art of People of Caucasia, Bakü), Ortaçağ Makam Teorisinde Türk Kolunun Özellikleri (Characteristis Of Turkish Branch in the Tune Theory of Middle Ages, Finland), Ortaçağ Doğu Çağlıları (Easternies of Middle Ages).