Ferit Öngören

Ferit Öngören

Diyarbakır, Turkey
June 8, 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
İstanbul University Faculty of Law

Journalist and writer (b. 1932, Hacıkân village / Diyarbakır - d. 7 June 2010, İstanbul). He graduated from Afyon High School (1954) and İstanbul University, Faculty of Law (1958). He worked as a lawyer for some time. Then he worked as a painter and writer on various humorous journals and newspapers such as Gün, Günaydın, Sabah. He published Filiz (Tavşanlı, 1955) and Yeni a (1972-74, 27 issues) reviews. Apart from writing poems, Ferit Öngören is known for his critiques and research published in reviews such as Köprü, Ataç, a, Yelken, Değişim, Şiir Sanatı, Soyut and in his own publications.


Yeni Mizah Hikâyeleri Antolojisi (Anthology of New Humor, 1959), Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Ne Olacak (What Will the Republican People’s Party Be?, 1960), Türküleri Dinlerken (While Listening to Folk Songs, album, 1963), 50 Yılın Mizahı ve Karikatürü (50 Years of Humor and Caricature, 1973; with the name “Republican Period Turkish Humor and Satire”, 1983; Turkish Humor and Satire in the 75th Year of Republic, 1998), Dünya Mizah ve Karikatürü, Petrol, İstanbul'dan Çizgiler (World Humor and Caricature, Oil, Sketches from İstanbul).