Celal Üster
Writer and translator. He attended the Private English High School for Boys, Robert College and graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of English Philology. He was on the editorial board of the Robert College review İzlerimiz. He directed the art page of the daily newspaper Aydınlık. He worked at Gelişim and Adam Publications. After 1980, he worked at Cumhuriyet and supervised the culture department of Cumhuriyet, the Cumhuriyet Book Club’s magazine Çerçeve and Cumhuriyet Kitap. He became the editor of the book Philsa'nın Metropolis (Philsa’s Metropolis), of Belgelerle Türk Eczacılığı (Turkish Pharmaceutics with Documents) published by the Dr. Nejat F. Eczacıbaşı Association and of National Geographic Fotoğraflarıyla İstanbul (İstanbul with Photographs by National Geographic) published by Türkiye İş Bank. He has continued his column Yeryüzü Kitaplığı in Radikal Kitap since 2001, which had previously featured in the newspapers Yeni Yüzyıl, Yeni Binyıl and Binyıl Kitap. After 1996, he became the chief editor of the review Sanat Kültür Antika and the Erotik Us series published by Okuyan Us Publications. After 2004, he became the editor of Can Publications.
He translated many works for Aydınlık Publications especially in the period between the second half of the 1960s and 1980. He translated or contributed to the translation of many works by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedung. In the years when specialist reports were prepared in order to ban many books, most of these translations could only be published under pen names. In addition to translating for various publishers, he took part in the “Aydınlık (illumination) Movement” before 1980. Here, he took part in a collaborative work taking care to translate and publish the basic works of Marxism without any mistakes or omissions. He worked in the art and culture departments of the review Halkın Sesi and the newspaper Aydınlık. The total of translations under his own name is thirty and under pen names total nearly fifty. The publishing houses such as E, Can, Bilim ve Sosyalizm, Cem, Payel, Koral, Afa, Remzi, Hür Yayın, P Kitaplığı, İletişim published his translations and reviews such as Yeni Dergi, Türk Solu, Militan, Doğrultu, Türk Dili, Sanat Dünyamız, Aries, Younique, Artimento published some of his translations and other works. He received the Azra Erhat Translation Award given by Yazko with the translation of George Thomson's work Tarih Öncesi Ege (Prehistoric Aegean).
WORKS (Translation-Compilation):
Kızgın Ova (Hot Valley, by Juan Rulfo), İtalyan Kızı (The Italian Girl, by Iris Murdoch), Kıtlık (The Famine, by Liam O'Flaherty), Düğün (The Wedding, by İsmail Kadare), İnsanın Özü (The Core of Human, by George Thomson), Tarihöncesi Ege (Prehistoric Aegean, by George Thomson), Alçaklığın Evrensel Tarihi (The Universal History of the Lowness, by J. L. Borges), Yedi Gece (Seven Nights, by J. L. Borges), Atlas (Atlas, by J.L.Borges), Üveyanneye Övgü (Praise to the Step Mother, by M. V. Llosa), Masalcı (The Storyteller, by M. V. Llosa), Tiziano Su Perisi ile Çoban (Tiziano Water Fairy and the Shepherd, by John Berger), Duveen Antikacıların Piri (Duveen Master of Antique Dealers, by N. Behrman), Yatağında Yalnız mısın? (Are You Alone in Your Bed?, Love and Aspiration Poems from Old Japanese Poets, 2002), Aşk Olsun (Well Done, collection of world love poems, 2005).