Nezahat Baydur, daughter of Yakup and Kâmile Firuzan was born in Manisa on the 16th of September 1926. A few years later the family moved to İstanbul. Baydur graduated first from the Sultanahmet 44th Elementary School and then Giriş’ High School at İstanbul. She studied at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Letters of İstanbul University from 1946 to 1950. She was also one of the students of Prof. Dr. Clemens E. Bosch. Then she started working at the seminar library of the Department of Archaeology in 1953. During her librarian position she was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt scholarship and thus attended the seminars by Prof. Dr. F. Martz and Prof. Dr. F. Brommer at the Department of Archaeology of Marburg University.
1959 she was appointed as assistant to the Department of Archaeology, Faculty
of Letters of İstanbul University and shortly thereafter on February 10th,
1961, she was transferred as assistant to the Department of Ancient History of
the same faculty. She completed successfully her doctoral thesis titled
“Coinage of Attaleia (Pamphylia)” under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Sabahat Atlan in 1964. She received her associate professorship in 1968 with
her habilitation thesis titled “Studies in the History of Kayseri. From the
Earliest Times to A.D. 395.”
Baydur gave courses on history of Rome and on ancient numismatics at the
undergraduate and gradute levels of Ancient History Department beginning from
1970s until she retired in 1988. She received her full professorship with her
study on “Emperor Julianus” in 1979. She continued her studies on numismatics
and ancient history önce in a while abroad with bursaries from Alexander von
many years Baydur was at the Department of Ancient History, Faculty of Letters
of İstanbul University, first assistant to Sabahat Atlan and then her
colleague. She made researches at various museums, universities and institutes
abroad and joined archaeological excavations at Side, Kastabos and Kadirli. She
conducted excavations at Tarsus-Donuktaş from 1982 to 1992 and published its
results. She is also a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological
institutes (DAl). Nezahat Baydur retired on her own will in January 1988 and
leads healthy life in İstanbul.
of Nezahat Baydur
Kültepe (Kanes) ve Kayseri Tarihi Üzerine Araştırmalar [Researches on the History of Kültepe (Kanes) and Kayseri], Publications
of İstanbul University Faculty of Letters, İstanbul, 1970.
İmparator Julianus [Emperor Julianus], Publications of İstanbul University Faculty of Letters, İstanbul, 1982.
Grek ve Roma Sikkeleri [Greek and Roman Coins],
Archaeology and Art Publications, İstanbul, 1984 (with Sabahat Atlan).
Anadolu ’daki Kutsal Dağlar Dağ-Tanrılar [Sacred Mountains
and Mountain-Gods in Anatolia], Graphis Publications, İstanbul, 1995.
Roma Sikkeleri [Roman Coins], Archaeology and Art Publications, İstanbul,1998.
Tarsus-Donuktaş Kazı Raporu [Excavation Report
of Tarsus-Donuktash], Task Foundation, İstanbul, 2001 (with Nadide Seçkin,
“Die Münzen von Attaleia in Pamphylien, Teil 1. Geschichte, Chronologie und
Münzkatalog von der hellenistischen Zeit bis zu Commodus”, Jahrbuch für
Numismatik und Geldgeschichte XXV (1975), pp. 33-72.
“Die Münzen von Attaleia in Pamphylien, Teil 2. Geschichte, Chronologie und
Münzkatalog von Septimius Severus bis zum Ende der Münzprâgung unter
Valentinian-Gallienus. Gesamtauswertung”, Jahrbuch für Numismatik und
Geldgeschichte XXVI, (1976), pp. 37-78.
“Roma’da İs.ö. II. Yüzyıldaki Reformlar” [Reforms in Rome During the 2nd
Century BC], Belleten, vol. XLt 757(January 1976), pp. 195-228.
“Byzantion’da Basılmış Bir Lysimachos Postumus’u” [A Posthumous Coin of
Lysimachus Minted in Byzantium], VlIIth Congress of Turkish History (October
11-15, 1976), Proceedings, Ankara, 1979, pp. 533-536.
“Roma Sikkeleri” [Roman Coins], Archaeology and Art 12-13 (1981),
pp. 19-25.
“Der Audienzsaal in Boğazköy” Palast und Hütte : Beitrage zum Bauen und
Wohnen im Altertum von Archaologen, Vor- und Frühgeschichtlern :
Tagungsbeitrâge eines Symposiums der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn-Bad
Godesberg, veranstaltet vom 25.-30. November 1979 in Berlin / herausgegeben
von Dietrich Papenfuss und Volker Michael Strocka ; Redaktion: Helmut Prückner,
Mainz, 1982, pp. 187-205.
“Eski Anadolu Uygarlıklarının Sikkelere Yansıması”[Reflections of the
Ancient Civilisations of Anatolia on the Coins], IXth Congress of Turkish
History (Ankara, September 21-25, 1981) Proceedings , vol. 1, TTK, Ankara,
1986, pp. 415-422.
“Yayımlanmamış Bazı Attaleia Sikkeleri”[Some Unpublished Coins of
Attaleia], Jahrbuch für Kleinasiatische Forschung 10, 1986, pp. 439-450.
“Byzantion’da Basılmış Bir Lysimachos Postumus’u” [A Posthumous Coin of
Lysimachus Minted in Byzantium], Ikiztepe I. (Eds. U.B. Alkım, H. Alkım and Ö.
Bilgi), Ankara, 1988, pp. 119-120 and 225-226: English summary).
“Terrakotta Bir Domitian Başı” [A Terracotta Head of
Domitian], Festschrift für Jale İnan (Eds. N. Başgelen-M. Lugal), 2
vols.:Text and Planches, İstanbul, 1989, pp. 93-96.