İsmail Kazdal

Publisher, Journalist, Writer

13 December, 2020
Art Institute

Writer (b. 1935, Batum / Georgia - d. 13 December 2020, Istanbul). He was graduated from Art Institute (1951). He worked as an executive manager in the Büyük Doğu (1963-65) and Hilal Reviews (1964-69). In later years, he has directed Kazdal and İhya Publications.

His articles and serials were published in Büyük Doğu (with nickname, 1963 ve 1965), Hilal (1964-69, using his own name and also his nickname), Yeni İstanbul (1962), Yeni İstiklâl (1964), Bugün (1971-72), Zaman (1972), Yeni Devir and  Millî Gazete (1973-74) Reviews and Newspapers. Rather than his own name, he used the nickname called Zafer Karib.


İslâm Büyüklerine Göre İçtimai Yapı (The Structure of Assemblage according to the Islamic Olds, 1970), Bir İhtar (A Warning, 1970), Kıbrıs Meselesi ve Beynelmilel Güçler (The Cyprus Problem and  International Powers, with the pen name Zafer Karib 1974), Yeni Devrin Eşiğinde MSP (National Welfare Party on the Threshold of a New Age, with the pen name Zafer Karib 1976), Çağdaş Truva Atı Demokrasi (Modern Trojan Horse Democracy, 1980), Hak-Batıl Savaşının Tarihi Serüveni (The History of God-Superstitions War Adventure 1986), Para İmparatorluğu (The Money Empire, 1989), Adım Adım Sülük Operasyonu (Sülük Operation Step by Step, 1991), Laiklik Devrini Kapamıştır (The Secularity Completed its Period, 1992), Siyasî İktidar ve Özal Devri (The Political Power and Özal Period, 1993), Kur'ân'la Birlikte Düşünmek (Thinking with Holy Qu’ran, 1996).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) İhya Yayınları'nın sahibi İsmail Kazdal hayatını kaybetti (, 13.12.2020).


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