İlhan Arsel

Jurist, Politician, Writer

07 February, 2010
Ankara University Faculty of Law

Writer (b. İstanbul, 1921 - d. 7 February 2010, Florida / USA). He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law. He received his PhD at Geneva (Switzerland) Faculty of Law. After the military coup on 27 May 1960, he became one of the members of the İstanbul Committee of ten members who were charged with preparing a new constitution and one of the members of the committee of five members who were charged with preparing the Founding Assembly project. In 1966, he was appointed as senator nominated by the President to the Republic Senate. After a short time, he resigned and returned to the university.

In 1971, he started to work with the association that prepared the publication of the fourteen-volume “Constitutions of the Countries of the World” in which he prepared the sections on Turkey and Belgium. It was said that he caused the demise of the Welfare Party and Motherland Party coalition preparations with his open letter to the President at the beginning of 1996. His book named Şeriat ve Kadın (Islamic Law and Women) was banned. More than 20 of his works have been published.


Arap Milliyetçiliği ve Türkler (Arab Nationalism and the Turks), Teokratik Devlet Anlayışından Demokratik Devlet Anlayışına (From the Mentality of the Theocratic State to the Mentality of the Democratic State), Toplumsal Geriliklerimizin Sorumluları (The Ones Responsible for Our Social Underdevelopment), Din Adamları ve Aydınlar (Religious Men and the Intelligentsia), Biz Profesörler (We, the Professors), Şeriat ve Kadın (Islamic Law and Women), İslâma Göre Diğer Dinler (Other Religions According to Islam, 1999), Müslümanlık Sınavı (Examination for Islam, 2002).



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