Bahri Savcı

Hukukçu, Araştırmacı, Yazar

02 Kasım, 1997
School of Politics

Researcher and writer (b. 1914, Sındırgı / Balıkesir – d. 2 November 1997). He graduated from İstanbul High School for Boys (1933) and the School of Politics (1936). After he had worked as a chief tax assessor at the İzmir Tax Revenue Board for a while, he began to work as a teacher of geography and history in elementary schools (1936). He became an associate professor (1947) and professor of the constitution (1954) in the Faculty of Political Sciences where he had entered as an assistant in 1942. He retired from his academic career at the Advanced Press High School in 1983. He took part in the commission that prepared the 1961 Constitution. He wrote articles on Kemalism and secularism in the newspaper Cumhuriyet.


İnsan Haklarının Kanun Yolu İle Korunması (The Protection of Human Rights By Legal Means, 1953), Siyasî İktidarı Bağlama Çabasının Geçirdiği Seyir (The Progress That the Effort To Connect Political Power Experienced, 1957), Laik Düşünce ve Hareketinin Gerilemesindeki Tehlike (The Danger in the Deterioration of Secular Thought and Actions, 1958), Ara Seçimler Üzerine Tartışmalar (Debates on By-Elections, 1958), Demokrasiyi Var Kılan Fikir ve Müesseseler Üzerine (On the Ideas and Institutions that Make Democracy,1958), Türkiye'de Anayasa Gelişmelerine Bir Bakış (A View on the Constitutional Developments in Turkey, with Prof.Dr.Y.Abadan, 1959), Türkiye'de İnsan Haklarının Gelişimi (The Development of Human Rights in Turkey, 1959), Demokrasi Üzerine Çıkan Tartışmalardan Çıkan Meseleler (The Issues that Arose From Debates on Democracy, 1959), Hürriyet Üzerine Düşünceler (Ideas on Freedom, 1968), Batılı İlkeler Altında Demokratikleşme (Democratization Under Western-Oriented Principles, 1975), Bir Çağcıl Demokrasi Anlayışı (An Modern Understanding of Democracy 1976), Türk Devriminde Siyasal Hukuk Alanında Olanlar (Events in the Turkish Revolution in the Area Of Political Law, 1981), 1982'nin Getirdikleri (Things Following 1982, 1983).


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