Yalçın Doğan

Journalist, Writer

08 March, 1945
Istanbul University Faculty of Economy
Other Names
Ahmet Yalçın Doğan

Journalist-writer. He was born in Konya on March 8, 1945. His first name is Ahmet. He graduated from Fatih Hırka-i Şerif Primary School, İstanbul German High School, Istanbul University Faculty of Economy. He worked as producer in TRT, worked in Ankara Radio and various newspapers. His first interview titled Urfa’ya Toprak Reformu was published in Cumhuriyet newspaper where he began with his journalism in 1973. He was known with his columns in this newspaper. In April 1989, he began to work in Sabah newspaper. Same year after November he began to write his column in Milliyet newspaper. He received Sedat Simavi Award in 1975, Turkish Language Institution award in 1978, Turkey Journalists Association Awards a few times in different years. He is a member of Turkey Journalists Association, Contemporary Journalists Association.


RESEARCH: IMF Kıskacında Türkiye (1979), Dar Sokakta Siyaset (1985), Fenerbahçe Cumhuriyeti (1989).

TRANSLATION: Sosyalist Enternasyonelde Faşizmin Tahlili (from H. Leverenz, 1977).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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