
Diwan Poet

Other Names

Poet (b. ?, İstanbul – d. 1768, Rhodes). His real name was Mehmed. He was well educated and became a teacher. He found a place in society with his poems that he presented to Şeyhülislam Karahalilzâde Yahya Said Efendi. He gained the friendship and patronage of Koca Ragıp Paşa and Poet Fıtnat Hanım. However, he was exiled to Bursa (1759) and Rhodes (1868) for his excessive satires that he read at meetings which statesman attended. He is buried on Rhodes.

Poet Haşmet whose poetry carries the influence of Nâbi, Nef’i and Koca Ragıp Paşa, was known for his Viladetnâme (Birth Book) written on the birth of Sultan Musfata III’s daughter Hibetullah and requested by Koca Ragıp Paşa.


Divan (Divan*, 1841), İntisabü'l Mülûk ya da Hâbname (The Raising of Emperors or the Sin Book, 1841, Egypt), Senedü'ş-Şuârâ (Deed of the Poets, 1871), Vilâdetnâme veya Surnâme (The Birth Book or The Festival Book, by Reşat Ekrem Koçu, published in 1940), Şehadetname (The Book of Testifying to Islam, explaining the physical and spiritual effects), Dürreteyn (Dictionary).


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