Veysel Gültaş


17 January, 1949

Poet (b. 17 January 1949, Tatvan / Bitlis). He is originally from Malatya. He attended primary and schools in the Akçadağ, Darende, Doğanşehir provinces of Malatya. He completed his high school education in Malatya, Kırklareli and Ankara. He suspended his education for two years. He continued his graduate education while working in various institutions. He completed his law training in Ankara Bar in 1976; he began to work as Judge candidate in Ankara after his military service. Then he worked as public prosecutor in Gürpınar (Van), Ulubey (Ordu) districts; as judge in Boğazlıyan (Yozgat), Alaşehir (Manisa) districts. He served as Karşıyaka (İzmir) Judge of the High Criminal Court from 1996. He retired in 2004 and worked as lawyer in Karşıyaka. He is a member of the Turkish Authors Association and the Language Society.

His first poem “Analar” (Mothers) was published in the review Yapıt (1976). Later his poems were published in the reviews Çağrı, İz, Çalı, Ağın Düşün Sanat, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Berfin Bahar, Gediz, Turnalar, Agora, Dize; his essays and articles in the review Milliyet Sanat (1979-85) and the newspaper Cumhuriyet (1994-2001). His poem Sen was composed by İzmir State Opera Artist Yunus Kırılmış. He was received “Dionysos Poetry Award” which he shared with (H. Karakuş, H.Yurttaş ve A.Necdet ile birlikte) in XXI. Salihli Poetry Midafternoons with his poems. He received Honorary Mention in Bartın 5. Book Fair-Hasan Bayrı Poetry Award with his poem Siyanür (Cyanide) in October 2002.


POETRY: Geceye Anlat Sevdanı (Tell Your Love to the Night, 1993), Usulca Söylenen (Saying Quietly, 1994), Hüznün Adresi Yok (Melancholy Does not Have an Address, 1997), Mührü Bozulmamış Sevdalar (Loves Whose Seals Have Not Been Broken, 1999).

ESSAY: Yazının Belleği (Memory of Literature, 2002).

ANTHOLOGY: Kadı Burhaneddin'den Günümüze Hukukçu Şairler Antolojisi (Anthology of Lawyer Poets from Kadı Burhanettin to Present, 2003).

REFERENCE: Mehdi Halıcı / Hüznün Adresi Yok (Ağın dergisi, Eylül-Ekim 1999), Zeki Büyüktanır / Ozan Ruhlu Bir Yargıç (Çalı dergisi, Kasım 1999), Prof.Dr. Şadan Gökovalı / Söz Kalır... (Çalı dergisi, Ocak 2000), Mehmet Beşeri / Mührü Bozulmamış Sevdalar (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 15.6.2000), Ahmet Günbaş / “Mührü Bozulmamış Sevdalar”la Yaşamak (Çalı dergisi, Eylül 2000), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007),  Veysel Gültaş / Kadı Burhaneddin’den Günümüze Hukukçu Şairler Antolojisi (2003).


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