Burhan Bozgeyik

Journalist, Writer

Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of Literature

     Journalist and writer (b. 1957, Gaziantep). He attended primary school where he was born (1968). He graduated from İmam-Hatip High School (1975) and Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Literature (1979).

He worked as a journalist and writer at Yeni Asya Press and the newspaper Yeni Nesil, where he began to work after graduation. He began writing in the newspaper Millî Gazete in 1993. His articles were published n the newspapers and periodicals Yeni Asya (1976), Köprü (1977), Akit. He was one of the members of the editorial committee of Yakın Tarih Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Recent History) prepared by the newspaper Akit.


RESEARCH-STUDY: Mihrünnisa Abdülhak (Mihrünnisa Abdülhak, 1979), Bütün Cepheleriyle İran Meselesi (The Problem of Iran in All Aspects, 1981), Kahramanlar Geçiyor (Heroes Are Passing, 1986), Zaferlerimiz (Our Victories, 1986), Onlar da Çocuktu (They Were Children, Too, 1986), Körfez Üzerine Oyunlar (Games on the Gulf, 1991), Güneydoğu Üzerine Oynanan Oyunlar ve Bediüzzaman'ın Mesajı (Games in Southeast Anatolia and the Message of Bediüzzaman, 1992), Kim Cumhuriyetçi / Mustafa Kemal mi, Bediüzzaman mı (Who is the Republican / Mustafa Kemal or Bediüzzaman?, 1993), İslâm Birliği Üzerine Oynanan Oyunlar (Games in the Unity of Islam, 1993), Kemalist Eğitim ve Din Düşmanlığı (Kemalist Education and Religious Hostility, 1993), Meşhurların Son Anları (Last Moments of the Famous, 1993), İstiklal Harbinde Gaziantep (Gaziantep in the Independence War, 1994), Bize Nasıl Zulmettiler? (How Did They Persecute to Us?, 1994), Bediüzzaman Said Nursî (Bediüzzaman Said Nursî, 1995), Zulme Boyun Eğmeyenler (Ones Who Do Not Yield to Persecution, 1995), İslâm Dünyasını Saran Ateş Çemberi (Line of Fire Around the Islamic World, 1995), Son Oyunların Perde Arkası (Backstage of the Last Plays, 1995), Çerkez Ethem (Çerkez  Ethem 1995), Gençlik ve Ölüm (Youth and Death, 1995), Doğru Tarihe Doğru (Towards True History, 1996), M. Kemal'e Karşı Çıkanlar (Those Opposing Mustafa Kemal, 1996), Oniki İmam ve Alevilik (Twelve Imams and Alawism, 1999), Güzel Ahlâk Mesut Hayat (Good Morality, Happy Life, 1999), Hac ve Umre Duaları (Prayers of the Pilgrimage and Umre, the minor pilgrimage 2002).

INTERVIEW: Zulmetten Nura Hicret (Hegira from Persecution to Divine Light, 1980), İslâmın İktisadî Görüşü (The Economic Perspective of Islam, with Prof. Sabahattin Zaim, 1981), Dil Dâvâsı (Language Problem, with Prof. F. Kadri Timurtaş, 1981), Afganistan'dan Türkiye'ye (From Afghanistan to Turkey, 1981), Örtünmek İstiyorum (I Want to Wear Turban, 1987), Uzmanların Gözüyle Osmanlıca (The Ottoman Language from the Perspective of Specialists, 1987).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Özür dile kitabını basalım (yenisafak.com, 25 Eylül 2015), Burhan Bozgeyik'ten tarihe ışık tutacak üç kitap (gazikent27.com, 17 Aralık 2019),  Burhan Bozgeyik isimli yazarımızın makale arşivi (milligazete.com.tr, 15.07.2020), Burhan Bozgeyik kitapları (idefix.com, dr.com.tr, kitapyurdu.com, bkmkitap.com, kitapambari.com, kidega.com, ravzakitap.com, 15.07.2020)


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