Hakan Albayrak

Journalist, Writer

Other Names
Ahmet Kafkas, Werner Hugo

Journalist and writer (b. 1968, Germany). His family is originally from the Caucasus region. He has written under the pen names Ahmet Kafkas and Werner Hugo. He attended primary school in Germany. He came to Turkey in 1980. He left his studies at school when he was in the last grade. He worked as an actor at Ankara Modern Art Theater for a time. He has worked at the reviews Zaman, Yeni Şafak and Gerçek Hayat and in the İhlas News Agency, as a war correspondent in Bosnia.

His articles and poetry have been published in reviews and newspapers such as Halka Işık, Yeni Devir, Zaman, Andırın Postası, İkindiyazıları, Belde, Çete, Birey, Genç Dost, Yerliler, Merhaba, Yeni Şafak, Millî Gazete, Gerçek Hayat etc. since 1983. He received the Writers Union of Turkey Press Columnist Award in 2001 for his articles published in that year. He spent six months in Ankara Kalecik prison under the article of the Turkish Constitution “pertaining to crime committed against Atatürk” in 2004.


İnsan Köpeği Isırınca (When Man Bites Dog, with the pen name Werner Hugo, 1989), Delikanlı (The Youngster, poetry and short story, 1989), Hakan Albayrak Kitabı (Hakan Albayrak Book, poetry and short story, 1992), Halifesiz Günler (Days without the Caliph, 1997), Ebuzer (2000).


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