Bekir Karadeniz

Translator, Writer, Poet

Poet, writer and translator (b. 1957, Yukarı Maden village / Artvin). He completed his primary and elementary education in Artvin and completed his graduate education in Ankara. He continued his working career as a social advisor for an institution at same city.

He brought up in a region where the minstrel tradition was prevalent and started to play baglama when he was fourteen years old. His poetry, short stories, translations and articles were published in various countries. He came first at the poetry competition that was held by various cultural institutions with the support of North Rhine-Westphalia State of Germany in 1996.


POETRY: Yedi Yılın Şiirleri (Poetry of Seven Years, 1996), Gecikmiş Şiirler (The Delayed Poetry, 1999), Uzayda Bir Işık (A Light at the Space, 1999), Gitmeli Şiirler (Poems Must Go, 2000), Kervan Oldum (I Becama a Caravan, 2000), Gün Döndü (The Day Set, 2001).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Ela Gözlüm-Türküler (My Love with Hazel Colored Eye – Songs, 1997), Kömür Gözlüm-Türküler (My Love with Coal-Black Eyes – Songs, 1999), Gül Yüzlüm-Türküler (My Love with a Rose Face – Songs, 2000), Hodlu Noksani-Yaşamı ve Şiirleri (Hodlu Noksani – Life and Poetry, 2000), Artvinli Halk Şairleri (Folk Poets of Artvin, 2002), 1900’den 2000’e Halk Şiiri (Folk Poetry from 1900 to 2000, 2005).

He has also translations.



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