Historian of
literature (b. 12 January 1900, İstanbul, d. 25 August 1982,İstanbul). His real name was Mustafa
İzzet Baki. He was renowned with that name because of being called as Abdülbaki
by his father Ahmet Agâh Efendi who was the editor in chief of the newspaper Tercüman-ı
Hakikat and was memorized as Baba (Father). He had to left the high school
after death of his father. He worked as teacher in the same school for a while
and book seller in Vezneci. While he was in hard conditions, he went as teacher
to Alaca district of Çorum as a call of his friend (1918). He returned to
İstanbul in 6 October 1923 and graduated from İstanbul Teachers Training School
for Boys (1927) and İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature (1930). After
graduating, he worked as literature teacher in İstanbul and in different cities
of Anatolia. He was appointed as Persian lecturer to Ankara University, Faculty
of Language, History and Geography. He finished his PhD and became the lecturer
of Explanations of Text at the Department of Turkish Language and Literature.
He gave lectures on History and Literature of Islamic-Turkish Sufism. He was
arrested and tried with the justification of acting against the code 142 during
his working. He was acquitted and returned to his post in the chair, he retired
by his request in 1949.
His articles on
Divan* Literature and History of Islam were published in the reviews İnsan, Yığın, Pınar from 1940 and after
RESEARCH-STUDY: Melâmiler (Melami Sect, 1931), Tıp İlmi ve Meşhur Hekimlerin Maharetleri (Science
of Medicine and Skills of Famous Doctors, 1936), Pir Sultan Abdal (Pir Sultan Abdal, with Pertev Naili Boratav,
1943; by himself, 1953), Divan Edebiyatı
Beyanındadır (It was Declared as Divan* Literature, 1945), Mevlânâ Celaleddin (Mevlana Celaleddin,
1951), Mevlânâ'dan Sonra Mevlevilik
(Mevlevi Sect after Mevlana, 1953), Kaygusuz
Abdal-Hatayî-Kul Himmet (Kaygusuz
Abdal-Hatayî-Kul Himmet, 1953), Nesîmî-Usulî-Ruhî
(Nesîmî-Usulî-Ruhî, 1953), Nailî-i Kadim (Nail-i Kadim, 1953), Şeyh Galip (Şeyh Galip, 1953), Divan Şiiri (Divan* Poetry, 5 books,
1911. Centuries, 1954-55), Nasreddin Hoca
(Nasreddin Hoca, 1961), Hz. Muhammed
ve Hadisleri (Prophet Muhammed and His Hadis*, 1962), Simavne Kadısıoğlu Şeyh Bedreddin (Şeyh Bedreddin, son of Cadi of
Simavne, 1976), Caferî Mezhebi Esasları (Essentials
of Caferi Sect, 1966), 100 Soruda
Tasavvuf (Sufism in 100 Questions, 1969), 100 Soruda Türkiye'de Mezhepler ve Tarikatlar (Sects and Orders in
Turkey in 100 Questions, 1969), Sosyal
Açıdan İslâm Tarihi (History of Islam from Social Perspective, 1969), Tasavvuftan Dilimize Geçen Deyimler ve
Atasözleri (Idioms and Proverbs Passed by Sufism to Our Language, 1978), Tarih Boyunca İslâm Mezhepleri ve Şiilik
(Islamic Sects Through Along the History and Shiite Sect, 1979), İslâm ve Türk İllerinde Fütüvvet Teşkilâtı
ve Kaynakları (Professionel Guilds with a Sufi
dervish Order Structure in Islam and Turkish Cities and Their Resources, not being published in
a book, the review İktisat Fakültesi, v. XI, issue: 14).
In addition he had editions and translations.
REFERENCE: TDE Ansiklopedisi (c. 3, 1979), Yeni Türk Ansiklopedisi (c. 3, 1985), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Ali Alparslan / Abdülbâki Gölpınarlı (1996), Ömer Faruk Akün / “Gölpınarlı, Abdülbâki” (TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi, c. 14, 1996), İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal / Son Asır Türk Şairleri (c. I, 1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (c. 1, 2001), Mustafa Özbalcı / Abdülbâki Gölpınarlı (Büyük Türk Klâsikleri c. 13, 2002), Remzi Demir - Doğan Atılgan, DTCF ve Türkiye’de Beşerî Bilimlerin Yeniden İnşası - Elli Portre (Ankara, 2008).60